
2009-05-25 3:59 am
A famous actor often had to travel by train. Of course, a lot of his fellow-passengers used to recognize him on his journeys, and some of them tried to get into talk with him, but he was usually feeling tried after acting until late the night before, so he didn't encourage them to talk to him.
One day he had just got into the train with all his luggage when a young man came and sat down in the seat opposite to him. The young man took out a book and began to read it, while the actor tried to get some sleep in the corner of the carriage.
When he opened his eyes, he found that the young man was looking at his mouth open, his book forgotten. The actor shut his eyes and tried to sleep again, but every time he opened them, the young man was looking at him with the same fixed look. At last he gave up the attempt to sleep, took out a newspaper, put it up in front of him and began to read.
After a few moments the young man cleared his throat and spoke. "I beg your pardon, sir, "but I haven't seen you somewhere before?" The actor didn't answer. He didn't even put his newspaper down.
The young man said nothing more for several minutes, but then he tried again. "I beg your pardon, sir," he said, "but are you going to San Francisco?"
The actor put his paper down this time, looked at the young man calmly without saying a word, and then put the paper up in front of him again.
This time there was an even longer pause before the young man spoke again. Then he said, in a last attempt to start a conversation with the great man, "I am George P.Anderson of Washington, Vermont."
This time the actor put his paper down and spoke, "So am I."

回答 (2)

2009-05-25 5:12 am
A famous actor often had to travel by train.

Of course, a lot of his fellow-passengers used to recognize him on his journeys, and some of them tried to get into talk with him,
當然,在他的旅程中很多乘客會把他認出, 有些人會嘗試與他交談,

but he was usually feeling tried after acting until late the night before, so he didn't encourage them to talk to him.
但他通常已表演了一整夜, 感覺很疲乏, 所以不會鼓勵他們跟他說話。

One day he had just got into the train with all his luggage when a young man came and sat down in the seat opposite to him.
有一天,他連同所有的行李才剛剛進入火車, 就有一位年輕男子進入並坐在他對面的座位。

The young man took out a book and began to read it, while the actor tried to get some sleep in the corner of the carriage.

2009-05-24 21:16:26 補充:
當他睜開了眼睛, 發現年輕男子正張著嘴看著他, 書也忘記了.
演員閉上眼睛,試圖再次入睡, 但每一次當他張開眼睛, 年輕男子仍然是以同樣的神情盯著他.
他最後放棄了嘗試睡覺, 拿出一張報紙, 放在面前並開始閱讀。
過了幾分鐘, 年輕男子清清他的喉嚨後說: "對不起,先生, 我不是以前在某處見過你嗎?"
有幾分鐘年輕男子沒有說話, 但之後他再次嘗試。 "對不起,先生,"他說, "但你是不是去三藩市?"
這次演員放下報紙, 冷靜地看著年輕男子而沒有說任何話, 然後再將報紙放在面前。

2009-05-24 21:18:30 補充:
這一次, 間歇的時間更長, 年輕男子才再次說話。
他最後一次嘗試跟偉人交談, "我是華盛頓, 佛蒙特州的喬治 柏.安德森。"
演員這一次放下報紙並說, "我也是。"
參考: 在北美超過10年. 講,寫英文過多中文.
2009-05-25 5:01 am





在又過了一段長時間,年輕男子試圖說:"我是George P. 來自華盛頓州的安德森市,佛蒙特州"

參考: me & dictionary

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