type 0 , type 1 , type 2,type3

2009-05-25 3:52 am
If 分為四個type
各位可唔可以好詳盡咁介紹下? 例如點用 , 用果陣有咩要注意
本問題 , 不會被我中途dele

回答 (2)

2009-05-31 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
我打算教你(時式變化), 比較易明, 希望幫到你

Type 0
第一句 (present tense) + 第二句 (present tense) 用於 (真理)
If you (boil) water to 100℃, it (changes) into steam.

Type 1
第一句 (present tense) + 第二句 (future tense) 用於 (有可能發生)
If it (rains) tomorrow, we (will cancel) our picnic.

Type 2
第一句 (past tense) + 第二句 (would + infinitive) 用於 (無可能發生或發生機會很低)
If I (had) time , I (would certainly) help you.

Type 3
第一句 (past perfect) + 第二句 (would + have + pp) 簡單講(馬後砲)
If you had come earlier, you might have seen him.

有時擔心時式記錯, 以下是我的心得, 希望幫到你記
Type 0 (第一句 及 第一句 都係 present tense 不用記)

Type 1 2 3 的 第一句及第二句動詞時式都有規律變化, 就是時式後退一步

Type 1 2 3 的 第一句動詞時式規律變化係
Type 1 (present tense) Type 2 (past tense) Type 3 (past perfect tense)

rains  /  rained  / had rained

(present tense), present tense 過去便是 (past tense), past tense 過去便是 (past perfect tense)

Type 1 2 3 的 第二句動詞時式規律變化係
Type 1 (future tense) Type 2 (past future tense) Type 3 (past future perfect tense)

will go  /  would go  /  would have gone

(future tense), future tense 過去便是 (past future tense), past future tense 過去便是 (past future perfect tense)

2009-05-31 01:01:45 補充:
Type 0 (第一句 及 第二句 都係 present tense 不用記)
2009-05-25 4:23 am
If I go to school tomorrow, I will take my umbrella.(故事變過去式都得)
第一型,普通將來式,將來會發生嘅事,例如e+未落雨,但聽日落嘅機會好大,落我就一定會帶遮.(現在+will+原型 )
If I were a bird, I would fly high up in the sky.
If I had known the bad results before, I would have studied very hard
第三型,假設句,早知個成績,我就勤力溫書,後悔過去冇做所謂正確嘅事.(had+ 完全式+would have+完全式)

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