chinese white dolphin超急20點

2009-05-25 2:07 am
chinese white dolphin


Present Status:






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回答 (2)

2009-05-25 4:06 am
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Chinese white dolphin (中華白海豚)

species: Humpback dolphin

Present Status: less than 100 around Pearl River

Habitat: swim to the water surface to breathe every twenty to thirty seconds and after that, they will dive into deep water again.

Size: The adult's body length is about 200 - 350 centimetres and the infant's body length is about 1 metre. The average weight of an adult is around 150 to 230 kilograms.

Male: males become mature at thirteen years old

Feamle: Female white dolphins become mature at ten years old

Longevity: can live up to 40 years

Features: Birth - black color, Childhood - grey color, Youth age - Pinkish grey with spots, Adult - Pinkish white and the spots will fade out

Food: small fish

Problems Faced: The sea of Hong Kong is becoming a very dangerous habitat for the Chinese White Dolphins. This is due to the increase in poaching, landfills, and sea traffic. Since Chinese White Dolphins are territorial animals and rarely stray far away from their habitat, the water pollution in Hong Kong has a high impact on them. Overfishing and heavy boat traffic near northern Lantau also threatens the lives of the dolphins. Overfishing may be a major danger to the dolphins because there are few regulations on the fishing industry set by the Hong Kong Government. There are many fish that are caught which become bycatch ('trash fish') because they are not the right size or species to be sold for profit. Therefore, dolphins risk both being caught and becoming bycatch. As for boat traffic, about 70 boats pass an average Hong Kong shipping channel daily. Boat engine noise interferes with the dolphins' communication channels through animal echolocation.

2009-05-24 20:06:09 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^
2009-05-25 5:34 am


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