
2009-05-24 11:58 pm

回答 (2)

2009-06-05 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
曾經有. 在1982上影, Piranha 2: The Spawning (1982), 導演是拍鐵達利號(Titantic)的James Cameron 拍.
好有可能會重拍再生俠 2.
2009-05-26 12:22 am

Spawn的創造者Todd McFarlane 已經在一則訪問中透露了即將開拍電影版<Spawn>的新作


Creator Todd McFarlane is developing another take on a live-action Spawn flick and he revealed to MTV some details on what fans may expect from the new version.

He explained how since the success of Iron Man, hes been getting several calls from studios, leaving him with five legitimate offers right now, but he detailed how he essentially has two ways to go about another film, saying:

"If I go with the lower-budget movie, they’ll let me direct it. And if I go bigger, than I sit in the producer’s chair; if the budget’s too big, they’re not going to give me the chance at [directing] it. So I’m trying to decide whether I want to go big production, bigger money, bigger marketing — or just do something that’s a little bit smaller, more rock ‘n’ roll, and the way I’ve had it in my brain for the last five years."

If he did go behind the camera?

"The thing I’ve had in my head for a long time isn’t a big comic-book movie," he explained. "Everything’s real; it’s like ‘The Departed,’ ‘L.A. Confidential’ or something like that — and there’s only one thing out of the ordinary in the story I’ve written, which is the thing people know as Spawn. And only a few people see it."

He added...

"You’re not going to get an [origin story] with a rubber costume. As a matter-of-fact, you’ll never see Spawn in his full regalia, because to me, he’s more of a sentinel, like a living shadow. I’ve shown the artwork [to potential investors] and he’s all black; he doesn’t look exactly like what people have seen in the comic book."

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 09:45:02
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