
2009-05-24 9:40 pm


1.)my dream is to travel round the world because I don't want to waste my lifetime, we have a lot of things that had never seen before,that's why we should go travel and experience the outside world,then there will be no regrets in my life

2.)My dream is to go travelling around the world so as not to waste my life. As we still have many things which are unseen before, we should go to other parts of the world to widen our horizons. In this way, we would not leave a pity.

3.)Travelling around the world is my dream because I consider that I can not waste my lifetime like this and still there are so many things I have never seen. For this reason, I need to go to the outside world to explore and to broaden my horizons. By doing so, I will have no regrets at all in my life.

可以用1-3既句子,自己混合(本人都想係咁,但吾知用邊句) my dream有得is to go/is to既咩?-___-" 環遊世界應該係travel round the world,冇around? so同as有得加埋一齊?

回答 (4)

2009-05-24 10:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你好,我个人认为 2) 的句子是最好又简单,可是它的有些句子如果能用一些来自 1) 和 3) 里的句子就更好咯,不知你又怎么看呢?

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )

2009-05-25 11:20:40 補充:
是的,你是可以用 my dream is to go travelling ...... 的,也就好像 my dream is to be a famous singer. 一样的用法。

环游世界可以写作 to travel round the world 跟 to travel around the world 的,因为英国人是用 round,而美国人比较喜欢用 around 而已。

其实它是来自 so as to,意思就是以便,也请你看。。。http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/search.html?q=1&s=so+as+to

2009-05-25 11:23:06 補充:


2009-05-25 21:03:13 補充:

2009-05-25 21:04:50 補充:
Travelling round / around the world is my dream as I think / consider that I should not / cannot waste my lifetime very simply. Besides, there are still lots of things I have never seen / there are a lot of things I have never seen yet.

2009-05-25 21:05:18 補充:
Therefore, I should / ought to experience / have a look at the outside world / broaden / widen my horizons. (I think) I will have no regrets at all in my life by doing so.

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-05-26 5:31 am

1.)我的夢想是環遊世界,因為我不想浪費我的終身,我們有在之前未曾看見的很多事,所以我們為什麼應該去旅行和體驗外界,然后那裡將是沒有遺憾在我的生活中 。

2.)我的夢想是去環遊世界至於不浪費我的生活。 因為我們仍然有在之前是未看見的許多事,我們應該去世界的其他地區加寬我們的天際。 這样,我們不會留下哀憐。

3.)移动環球是我的夢想,因為我考慮我不可能浪費我的象這样的終身,並且仍有我從未看的許多事物。 為此,我需要去外界探索和擴展我的天際。 通過這樣執行,我不會在我的生活中有遺憾。
2009-05-25 6:20 am


2009-05-24 10:44 pm
i think number 1 is better than others ......
um......just i think !
參考: me

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