
2009-05-24 4:20 pm



(三)組成:由大不列顛島上的英格蘭、蘇格蘭和威爾斯,以及愛 爾蘭島東北部的北愛爾蘭以及一系列附屬島嶼共同組成的一個歐洲島國。


1) 10世紀以後蘇格蘭和英格蘭各自是獨立的國家。
2) 1284年威爾斯被英格蘭控制,
3) 1535年成為英格蘭王國的一部分。
4) 1603年,英格蘭和蘇格蘭兩國共有一位君主,
5) 1707年正式合併為大不列顛王國。
6) 1800年,大不列顛王國和愛爾蘭(1169年-1691年逐步被英格蘭控制)合併,組成大不列顛與愛爾蘭聯合王國。
7) 1922年,愛爾蘭共和國獨立,愛爾蘭北部仍留在聯合王國內。


貨幣單位 英鎊(£,GBP)

1) 大英博物館:又稱不列顛博物館,是一位於英國倫敦的綜合博物館,也是世界上規模最大、最著名的博物館之一,成立於1753年。

2) 大笨鐘:即威斯敏斯特宮鐘塔,英國國會會議廳附屬的鐘樓 (Clock Tower) 的大報時鐘的暱稱。




回答 (3)

2009-05-24 4:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
United Kingdom:
(A) is located in: the United Kingdom is located in the north-west of the European continent the British Isles, the North Sea, English Channel,凯尔特海, surrounded by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
In addition to the United Kingdom, but also including 14 overseas territories

(B) of the neighboring countries: 1) France
2) Belgium
3) Ireland
4) Germany

(C) consists of: the island from Great Britain England, Scotland and Wales, as well as the northeastern part of the island of Ireland in Northern Ireland as well as a series of islands to form a European island.
The United Kingdom is located in the north-west of the European continent the British Isles, the North Sea, English Channel,凯尔特海, surrounded by the Irish Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

(D) Population: UK population of approximately 61.2 million, of which one third live in the south-east England (London, there are 7.2 million capital).
Which accounted for 83.6 percent of people in England; Scottish 8.6%; other people also accounted for 4.9% of Wales, Northern Ireland account for 2.9%, Indians 1.8% and 1.8% of Africans, such as

(E) History: Britain is now in the past on several occasions in 1000 a result of the merger.
1) 10th century Scotland and England after their own independent country.
2) England in 1284 by the Prince of control,
3) in 1535 to become part of the Kingdom of England.
4) in 1603, both England and Scotland there were a monarchy,
5) in 1707 formally merged into the Kingdom of Great Britain.
6) in 1800, the Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland (1169 -1691 in England gradually control) to form the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
7) In 1922, the independence of the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland remained in the United Kingdom.


2009-05-24 09:02:33 補充:
仲有:Britain is far ahead of the 19th century world power and maritime supremacy, with the then "world factory" in the title,
It is the world's first industrial revolution and the industrialization of the country, the Western capitalist system advocates,

2009-05-24 09:03:03 補充:
And early the birthplace of parliamentary democracy, both in literature and art or science and technology have a significant contribution to the level of

2009-05-24 09:03:51 補充:
(F) Currency: Although the United Kingdom to join the EU in 1973, but the British out of domestic politics and internal economic considerations and refused to join the euro zone.

2009-05-24 09:04:19 補充:
Reform of the Constitution is now the same problems faced by the United Kingdom.
Monetary unit British pound (£, GBP)

2009-05-24 09:04:51 補充:
(Vii) interest:
1) The British Museum: British Museum, also known as, is a comprehensive located in London Museum, is the world's largest and one of the most famous museum, founded in 1753.

2009-05-24 09:05:18 補充:
At present, the museum has a collection of 10,000 over 1300. Due to space restrictions, there are a large number of collections on display could not be released.
Museum in January 15, 1759 officially open to the public.

2009-05-24 09:06:00 補充:
2) Big Ben: the bell tower of Westminster Palace, the British subsidiary of the National Assembly Chamber of the Clock Tower (Clock Tower) of the big clock at the nickname.

2009-05-24 09:06:24 補充:
Is located in the Thames in London a clock tower, London, one of the landmarks.
95 meters high bell tower, bell nine feet in diameter and weighs 13.5 tons. Ring once every 15 minutes.

2009-05-24 09:06:45 補充:
(H) of them went to the same side:
I hope that with a few friends .... travel to the United Kingdom but also to visit a good friend.

2009-05-24 09:07:20 補充:
(Ix) Why to go:
Because there are many monuments, there is a long history, worth a visit.
2009-05-24 8:41 pm
(1) is located at: The British native place located at the Europe continent northwest's British archipelago, by North Sea, the English Channel, the Kaierte sea, Irish sea and Atlantic surrounds. Besides the British native place, but also includes 14 overseas territories
(2) neighbor country:
1) France
2) Belgium
3) Ireland
4) Germany
(3) composition:
By British island's on England, Scotland and Wells, a European island country which as well as northeast Irish island's Northern Ireland as well as a series of attached islands are composed together. The British native place located at the Europe continent northwest's British archipelago, by North Sea, the English Channel, the Kaierte sea, Irish sea and Atlantic surrounds.
(4) population:
The British population probably has 61,200,000, 1/3 live southeast England (capital London has 7,200,000). And the English people account for 83.6%; The blue bonnet accounts for 8.6%; Other also have the Wells person to occupy 4.9%, north irish people to occupy 2.9%, Indians to account for 1.8% as well as the African account for 1.8% and so on.
(5) history:
Present's Britain is the result which the past in 1000 several times merged.
1) the 10th century later Scotland and English each one will be the independent country.
2) in 1284 Wells is controlled by England,
3) in 1535 became the English empire a part.
4) in 1603, English and Scotland both countries altogether had a crowned head,
5) in 1707 official merge for the British empire.

2009-05-24 12:42:44 補充:

如果需要,你可以再度發問,或 mail 我.
2009-05-24 4:39 pm
(1) is located at: The British native place located at the Europe continent northwest's British archipelago, by North Sea, the English Channel, the Kaierte sea, Irish sea and Atlantic surrounds.
Besides the British native place, but also includes 14 overseas territories

(2) neighbor country: 1) France 2) Belgium 3) Ireland 4) Germany

(3) composition: By British island's on England, Scotland and Wells, a European island country which as well as northeast Irish island's Northern Ireland as well as a series of attached islands are composed together.
The British native place located at the Europe continent northwest's British archipelago, by North Sea, the English Channel, the Kaierte sea, Irish sea and Atlantic surrounds.

2009-05-24 08:40:53 補充:

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