
2009-05-24 7:35 am

Mary ______(have) an English lesson every day.

Tony ______just _______(make) the model.

Mun ______ (cook) the dinner for me now.

Susan_______(send) me an email three days ago.

I hope i __________(get) a robot dog on my birthday.

Judy and Emma___________ never _______( be) to Japan before.

Dad _______(be) a monitor in 1975.


回答 (2)

2009-05-24 10:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. has (simple present tense)
Every day is an indication of simple present tense

2. has & made (present perfect)
Just is usually with present perfect tense

3. is cooking
'now' -------- present continuous

4. sent
ago----------simple past

5. can get
hope----- use simple present tense if the hope is achievable

6. have & been (present perfect)

7. was
1975-----------simple past
2009-05-24 10:29 pm
你好,我的答案跟 002 是一样的,可是我对第五题有点意见的。

既然 002 已经解释得蛮简单又直接,所以我就在此解释我的意见而已咯 (其实我也只是想拿个两分就好了,哈哈哈)。


I hope I can get a robot dog on my birthday.

可是,我们也未必需要加个助动词 (auxiliary verb) 的,反而简单地写回 get 就好了,因为。。。

I hope I get a robot dog on my birthday. 是等于 I hope I will get a robot dog on my birthday.

这句代表着未来的事物 (for the future)。

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )

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