(2) Upley Ltd’s financial statements disclose a net asset position of $1250000 and a profit of $1000000. The notes to the accounts disclose all facts relating to a legal claim lodged against the firm for $700000. The directors have not recognized a liability in the statement of financial position. Legal advice notes the case could go either way and is due to go to court early next year.
(3) The auditors of Sidely Ltd are refused permission to review the minutes of directors meetings due to confidentiality concerns. However the directors are happy to give the auditors certified copies of all resolutions and actions relating to accounting matters.
(4) The auditors of Backways Ltd were not appointed until after the year-end. Hence they were not able to verify the existence of physical inventory at the balance sheet date, by attending the year-end stocktake. By using alternative procedures, attending a subsequent stocktake and checking movements in the “roll-back” period, they are satisfied as to existence of stock.
is my answer correct? if not, pls explain , thx
(1) unqulaified with emphasisi of matter. as the liquidation occur after balance date, the amount in this year balance is accuracy. so, no need to adjust
(2) unqualified with emplasis of matter. as the legal claim is material. but, still not have evidence for the actural amount.
(3) unqualified. as certified copies of all resolutions and actions relating to acccounting matter is enough to give a evidence for accuracy
(4) unqualified. as the auditor are satisfied to existence of stock
is any case need emphasis of matter?