唔識分d Tense

2009-05-24 3:16 am
Present Perfect Tense、
past Participle、
Future Tense、
Present Continuous Tense、
Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

回答 (2)

2009-05-27 10:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
現在式 Simple Present Tense

I work every day. ( every day, usually, always, sometimes, seldom, etc)

I am on the phone now.( now, right now, at the moment.)

過去式 Simple Past Tense

I talked to my father last night.

( last night, yesterday, two days ago, last year, last summer, the other day, etc)

未來式 Future Simple Tense

I shall meet you tomorrow. ( will( modal verb), shall( model verb),

tomorrow, next week, next year, tonight, tomorrow morning, etc)

She will meet you next week.
現在進行式 Present Continuous Tense

She is singing now . ( is + verb+ing)

They are singing now . ( are + verb+ing)

I am singing now. ( am + verb+ing)

( now, right now, at the moment, etc)

過去進行式 Past Continuous Tense

He was singing at that time.( was/were + verb+ing)

I was singing at that time.

They were singing at that time.

( at that time, when my father was on the phone, he was singing,

I was singing while my father was cooking.)

未來進行式 Future Continuous Tense

I will be meeting you at XXX cafe tonight.( will/shall + be + verb+ing)

( tonight, later, at about 7 pm tonight, at 10 pm, etc)

現在完成式 Present Perfect Tense

I have already finished my homework.

She has not yet finished her homework.

I have lived here since October.

They have lived here for ten months.

He/she/it + has+ ( adverb) + past participle

( already, ye, since,for, etc)
過去完成式 Past Perfect Tense

When I arrived home, my family((( had already left.)))<-- past perfect tense

( already)

未來完成式 Future Perfect Tense

I will have finished my work by ten pm.

You will have perfected your French by the time you come back from


will + have + past participle

( by,by the time)

現在完成進行式 Present perfect continuous Tense

I have been singing since this morning.

She has been doing her homework for two hours.

He/she/it + has + been + verb+ing

They/we/I/you + have +been+ verb+ing.

( for, since)

過去完成進行式 Past perfect continuous Tense

I had been playing online games when It started raining.

any pronoun/name + had+been+ verb+ing

2009-05-27 14:49:26 補充:
未來完成進行式 Future perfect continuous Tense
I will have been working here for ten months next week.
will +have+been+verb+ing
( for xxx, next week, next month, 2 days from now, next Monday, etc)
2009-05-28 6:42 am
分幾次解,Past participle 用法:
現在完成時 Have you seen that movie many times?
過去完成時 Had you studied English before you moved to New York?
將來完成時 You will not have perfected your English by the time you come back from the U.S.
動名詞的完成時 having gone
不定式的完成時 to be killed / be killed 在任何情態動詞中
被動語態 (past simple) I was told that my brother was involved in a theft. present perfect tense 就係你由一段時間做野做到另一段時間,同past tense唔同,past tense就係你好耐之前已經做左,例如:I have (done)my homework yet.姐係我已經做完功課,如果早左好耐既就用already,岩岩做完就用just,未做完用yet.如果題目問Have you (done)your homework yet?做左好耐就答I have( )done my homework already.already,岩岩做完就I have just done my homework.未做完用yet(I haven&#039;t done my homework yet.)already可以放係( )個度.佢要用過去分詞(p.p)

2009-05-27 22:54:51 補充:
Future tense就係你未來會做既事(用will)例如:I will do my homework.will後唔轉野Present Continuous Tense就係而家做緊既野(now,in this moment等)例:I am watching TV now.(+ing)Present Perfect Continuous Tense就是當一個動作於過去發生,持續到現在,並有可能會繼續發生至將來,我們會用 Present Perfect Continuous Tense通常用I have been開頭.例:I have been driving for one hour

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