Good in city

2009-05-23 1:47 am
It is very good to live in a city!!!
Give me as many affirmative point and negative point for me . Quick!

This is not a homework , it is just my favour to do this , but please write proper thing!

回答 (2)

2009-05-23 3:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Live in a city
Good points:
-convenient to get daily commodities.
-travffic is also convenient.
-News are wisely spread >not easy to get behind the society
-Can enjoy a lot of entertaining goods (e.g. TVs, radios, newspaper, etc)
-a lot of people arond you > you can share your views to them !

Bad pts:
-Too many peolpes around you!> they are too nosiy and sometimes may disturb you
-The convenient travffic causes air pollutions, water pollutions etc.
-The entertainments may also misused and therefore affect the relations among people & causes eyes diseases to ourshelves!
2009-05-23 2:30 am
同郊區比較, 相者好壞相反.

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