Young know more that old

2009-05-23 1:39 am
The younger generation knows more than the old!!!
Give me five/more point for affirmative and five/more for negative!!!

This is not a "must do" homework , it is only optional!!!

Sorry! It should be "than"!!!

回答 (1)

2009-05-26 5:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Give me five/more point for affirmative and five/more for negative!!!

1) games ( Usually teens know them more than adults do)

2) fashion ( young people know and often follow the fashion trends. Most of them love reading fashion magazines and watching fashion shows.)
3) to download pop music from the net ( Young people know where they can find pop music on the Internet.)
( Adults tend to purchase CDs at shops.)
4) young people know cartoon characters so well. If you ask adults, they may not even know the names of the cartoon characters.
(young people know cartoon characters so well. If you ask adults, they may not even know the names of the characters.)
5) mobile phones most teenagers follow the trends of the mobile phone world. Some may save up some money or do part-time jobs for their favorite new mobile phone models. Adults are different. They do not really care whether their mobile phones are fashionable or not. All they want is to enjoy basic functions.

Teens love limited versions of so many things
such as soft drink cans, handbags, mobile phones, watches,etc.
You may see young people lining up in many places for what they have been dreaming of.

Negative :
If teens love all the things above, they will know care much about money.
They tend to waste their saved or earned money

for something fancy, which is not good.

Materialistic satisfaction would probably ruin their lives because they never know how hard adults earn every penny.

Usually they won't keep those limited versions for long. It means they can never learn how to cherish things they have.

Downloading music from the net is illegal nowadays. Teens may get their families involved and ruin their future once they get caught.


收錄日期: 2021-04-23 23:06:18
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