(20點)介紹好用的laser printer

2009-05-22 11:45 pm

回答 (1)

2009-05-25 6:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
你需要一部 all-in-one printer (scan & copy)
而且你公司用黎印傳單...etc...甘即係要..LaswerJet 喇....
(officejet 既 speed 同埋成本...耐用程度 ...應該唔夠你用..)
要印海報 ..? 幾大張 ? A3 ?
甘你即係想要部 All-in-one Color Laserjet A3/A4 Printer

HP CM3530 平平地A4

Ricoh MP2800/MP3000/MP3300 support A3

Ricoh 同系唔同 model 幾部我都用緊, 我覺得唔錯
(先旨聲明我唔係 Ricoh 既人 !!)
I think the support/Serives is very very important !! we are not
purchase the low level ink jet printer, so the customer services is very importnat.
Because this is not easy to troubleshoot the business grade printer
from Internet, everytime when I calling Ricoh, they can Listen my
phone call/query and response very shortly !
In my feeling, their services is very stable, when you have a question,
they give you a answer.
This is importnat for a business run.
( the customer services in office hours )

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