Spiritually speaking, if I get a 666 tattoo will that mean I gave myself the make of the beat?

2009-05-22 6:31 am

OK some of you missed the joke

回答 (20)

2009-05-22 6:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
Before getting the 666 tattoo, get a Ph. D. in psychology then get the tattoo on your forehead. Then write a book about everyone's subconscious reactions to you and your new tattoo.
2009-05-22 1:35 pm
The Mark of the Beat is 4/4.
2009-05-22 1:36 pm
666 is the mark of the beast not beat
參考: the Holy Bible
2009-05-22 1:36 pm
Get a tattoo of 3/4

2009-05-22 1:35 pm
why would you want to get a 666 tattoo?? are you on drugs? and no that is only the mark of the beast if you are born with it. learn how to spell
2009-05-22 1:35 pm
This, I believe, will be a name with six letters in each name invisibly coded into the laser tattoo or micro chip. A computer could pick this up as 'six digits' in each name.
The number 666 invisibly coded into the laser tattoo or micro chip and placed on each person in the form of the UPC barcode mark
2009-05-22 1:35 pm
Either the beat or turnip. It is so hard to keep up with the vegetables these daze
2009-05-22 1:40 pm
Nope, I've drawn barcodes on people before as a joke. That doesn't make me the antichrist. BTW what is the mark of the Beat?
2009-05-22 1:38 pm
Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
2009-05-22 1:38 pm
I think you mean "mark of the beast"? well no. All you're doing is putting ink into your skin -- it doesn't matter what you actually get. Only problem you need to consider is that its stuck on you the rest of your life. I love tattoos...but 666 the devil's sign?????????? What happens if down the track you discover God and you have to carry around this horrible reminder of you past life forever? Just get a nice butterfly or a dolphin =P

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