[wave]兀(pie)phrase change

2009-05-22 3:42 am
Why light go from less dense medium to denser medium
there exists a pie phrase change??

為何光線由光疏物質去光密物質時 , 光波相位會有180度改變??

如果以上問題 , 本身有問題 , 請糾正 + 少少解釋

回答 (1)

2009-05-22 6:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think you ask why there is a phase change of pi when waves are reflected on a denser medium.
You could read the following web-pages which contain answer to your question:
Basically, the principle is that particles in the denser medium are not as free as those in the less dense one, so that forced vibrations of dense medium particles by the incident wave cannot follow so easily the vibrations of paticles in the less dense medium. That is to say, there is a "lag-behind" of vibrations. As a result, the reflected wave will suffer a phase change which indicates the "lagging behind phenomenon" of the reflected wave.
But you have to make use of Maxwell's electromagnetic equations to prove the lag-behind of the reflected wave is exavtly equal to half a wavelength, i.e. a phase change pi.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:31:04
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