Where can I find accurate chinese symbols?

2009-05-20 5:22 pm
I am looking to get two tattoos of the chinese symbols for patience and blessed but I am getting conflicting information as to how to find accurate symbols for these words. Any suggestions?

回答 (3)

2009-05-22 12:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
patience (noun) = 耐性 = nai-xing-44
blessed (adjective) = 祝福的 = zhu-fu-de-420
2009-05-21 6:54 pm
Patience :
忍耐 (being patient)

Blessed :
蒙福 (being blessed)
參考: Myself - native Chinese speaker.
2009-05-21 12:28 am
They're not "symbols", Cupcake, they're characters. You can find accurate Chinese characters in any Chinese text - books, newspapers, etc. Depending on what it is exactly that you want etched into your flesh to make you look like an idiot, there may be multiple ways of saying it.

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