pls.answer tnx.................................?

2009-05-20 12:09 pm
please add 2/88+2/66?

回答 (7)

2009-05-20 12:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Reduce to 1/44 + 1/33

LCD = 11*4*3 = 132

1/44 = 3/132
1/33 = 4/132

Add them up and you get 7/132
2009-05-20 12:46 pm
2009-05-20 12:29 pm
6/264 +8/264=14/264=
2009-05-20 12:24 pm
2/88 + 2/66
= (2 ÷ 2)/(88 ÷ 2) + (2 ÷ 2)/(66 ÷ 2)
= 1/44 + 1/33
= (1 x 3)/(44 x 3) + (1 x 4)/(33 x 4)
= 3/132 + 4/132
= 7/132
2009-05-20 12:18 pm
2/88 + 2/66

STEP 1: Make the denominator the same

2/88 + 2/66

what does 88 and 66 multiply to?

Well instead of guess and checking, you can simply do 88 x 66. But whatever you do to the bottom you MUST do to the top.


since 88 x 66 = 5808

and the equation was 2/88 + 2/66, Since 88 multiplys 66 to give 5808, you must multiply the numerator (the top) by 66 as well, so 2/88 becomes 132/5808

Try do the same for the other one.

2/66 --> 176/5808 (because the denominater 66 needs to multiply by 88 to get 5808)


Add the two

Now after multiplying, you now have

132/5808 + 176/5808,

Since the denominator is the same we can add the top

(you do not need to add the denominator

132 + 176 = 308

But that back onto your denominator

308/5805 is your answer

Simplifying you get 7/132
2009-05-20 12:15 pm
132+176 divided by 5808 = 308/5808 = 0.053030......
2009-05-20 12:14 pm

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