How can i train my 2 kittens to go outside but not run away?

2009-05-20 9:04 am
My parents want my two kittens that are about 6 monthes old to go outside. My problem is my first cat got taken when it went outside and my second cat got taken by the r.s.p.c.a and was put down. I really don't want to lose my two new cats so can anyone tell me how to not let them run away?

回答 (12)

2009-05-20 9:08 am
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My kitten is also determined to see what's outside the apartment door. I usually just make sure she's not near the door when I go out, and often sticking your foot in their faces while using a loud noise like "Ahhh!!!" can do the trick, and make them hesitate long enough for you to slip out. But if they're determined to make a mad dash for freedom, the water bottle/squirt gun trick might be the best. I wouldn't just douse them with water if they aren't actually trying to get out. But give them a good, loud "NO" if they start for the door, and if they ignore you, spray em with another loud "NO". Eventually they'll learn that hearing you say "NO" means they'd better stop what they're doing right away, and you won't need to use water anymore. As someone said above, soon all you'll need to do is show them that water bottle, and they'll run!
2009-05-20 9:14 am
If you keep them in for long enough and feed them regular indoors they should stick around ..I mean they will run off really far but, they will always come back spay/neutering of course further domesticates them . they should always come back providing nothing happens to them hit by car , wild animals etc. depends where you live.
參考: have 7 cats
2009-05-20 9:11 am
Firstly, buy tags for your cat's with your phone no. on them so if they run too far, thay can be returned. also, your cat's will not run away since cats are very territorial. Another option is to get them microchipped, incase they run away. And... first get comfortable with them so they know when they are hungry, they can come to you for food.

A tchnique that may work, is watching you kittens while outside and put melted butter on the feet(make sure its not hot). If they run too far hey will smell the butter and come back.
參考: I have a kitten. Known Techniques
2009-05-20 11:07 am
my kitten is 3 mnths old and oneday he wanted to go otuside so my mum let him out. and he had a ball!

they generally stick around their home becoz they seem to know its theres. and if he did run away hed come back! they are very smart cats are.

he always goes out now and loves it!

goodluck xx
2009-05-20 10:29 am
Cats are territorial and know their own turf; plus, regular feedings keep them close. Sure they want to explore, but not flee your care.
參考: Many cats.
2009-05-20 9:11 am
I really think you should keep them in the house but I had a cat that stayed outside for 5 years while it was a kitten I kept it on a leash in the yard so it wouldn't wander when it got older like 10 months old I let it free. I think keeping on the leash made it used to staying around the yard so when It was off the leash it was content to staying close by. If i could do it over I would have kept the cat in the house because it is safer cats fight.
2009-05-20 9:10 am
avoid letting them out as much as you can, you can start taking them out by kittens, maybe placing food, but make sure they know your name and if they start to run off out of bounds pick them up and take them back inside again.

its best to keep the cats indoor, they are better monitored and they have a longer chance of living. they also wont pick up a lot of the diseases outside which will help a lot.

from what you said about the other cats, i dont sugggest you put these two babies out there you wouldnt want them to get hurt by animal control!
參考: had outdoor cats.
2017-02-15 7:10 am
Many people love the idea of owning a dog but one thing that they have to keep in mind often times, is that the dog needs to be trained. Learn here

While the pet may look heart-breakingly cute when it's in a shelter or at the pound, picking out the dog is only the first part of the relationship between dog owner and the animal. Many people don't understand that they have to put time and effort into socializing the dog.

An unsocialized dog will intimidate others, tear up the home, and will create an environment that can become so bad that the it will have to be returned. Many times when dogs have to be returned to shelters or to other resources, it will end up euthanized, which is very heartbreaking. All of this can be spared if a person learns the various techniques in order to socialize the dog.

One thing that they have to understand is that the he wants to be told what to do. It's in the canine nature to follow a leader. The dog will be more than willing to obey the leadership of its master. Here's a look at some common techniques that are used in dog training:

"Dog Whispering"

This is a technique that has been around for a while, but gained national notoriety over the last 10 years. Some people might hear this term and wonder how in the world whispering to a dog can train it! Whispering isn't meant to be taken literally in this case. As trainers have shown, whispering is a term that refers to connecting with a being or an entity on a very deep and almost spiritual level. When it comes to dog training techniques, dog whispering involves careful observation of the dog's behavior and actions.

It literally entails getting inside the mind and the behavior system of the canine. When a person uses dog whispering techniques, they interact with the dog on the canine level. Again, one the most common mistakes that people make is treating the dog like a small human being.

"Reward Training"

Reward training is very simple and it's one of the older tricks that works. This is a simple method of training the dog by positive reinforcement. Once he does what it is told to do, it receives a treat. How this works is that the dog owner must entice the dog towards the treat. Once the canine develops awareness for the treat, it develops a strong desire for it. When the desire for it is extremely strong, the dog owner pulls back. Then the dog receives a command and when the dog obeys the command, it receives the treat. The object is to make the dog associate a treat with the command.

"Clicker Training"

Other dog training techniques include one that is similar to reward training, which is called clicker training. How this works is that the clicker is incorporated to get the dog's attention. The clicker is clicked as a form of communication with the dog. It learns that there is a command or reward associated in conjunction with the clicker. Many people claim that this is fun, and they actually make a game with the dog by using the clicker for their dog training tasks.

"Ultrasonic Whistle"

Last, a relatively new form of dog training technique is called the ultrasonic whistle. This works because the ultrasonic sound is only heard by the dog. When the owner is trying to communicate a command, or stop the dog from barking, they will blow on their whistle when they want to communicate a command to the dog. The benefit of this is that the humans can't hear this noise, but the dog can hear it, and they will learn to associate the sound with a command.

Dog training techniques aren't hard to incorporate, but they are something that absolutely must be incorporated from the time a dog owner brings their new dog home. No matter how old or how young the dog is, they will need training. Once they are trained properly, they will be a wonderful addition to one's family.
2009-05-20 2:02 pm
The only way is to supervise them when outside.

Train to a harness/leash and take them out a few times a day or have your parents build/buy a cat enclosure where they can sit and be safe. Otherwise your cats will not last long roaming outside unsupervised.

And before you even think of going outside - get them spayed/neutered.
2009-05-20 9:08 am
If you have a house open the garage door and grab a chair and sit in the garage and let the kittens out they will get the idea not to go to far when your watching!
參考: I have 3 lol

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