
2009-05-21 2:38 am
點解外國人講既野唔同老師教我地個D幾 ??

就好似 ...

如果你想同個外國人講 "是" .
咁我地係講 "YES" .
但係點解佢地會講 "YEAH" ?

係咪一個係口語 , 一個係書面語 ?
如果係咁 , 咁講既英文咪俾人笑 lo ...

就好似你同你個 friend 傾計 , 佢無啦啦講書面語 ,
你都覺得怪啦 ..... -]

回答 (3)

2009-05-21 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Actually, it doesn't matter.
Modern English is not like Chinese, there is no clear rules distingushing between spoken and written language.
Making use of your example, native speakers would say "yup", "ya" or things simular to express an affirmative meaning rather than using "yes". But it is actually normal and common to say "yes" simply, it doesn't make you odd or weird.
But of course, if you can learn more about common spoken English including the phrases and vocubs, communication will definitely be easier and a easeful circumstance can be created more easily.
參考: samuelgiggs2003
2009-05-22 1:47 pm


2009-05-21 4:29 am
其實外國人講yes 會講左"yea" 或者 "yup" 多數會係口語..但係"yes"就會書面同口語都得...
參考: 自己

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