
2009-05-20 7:25 pm
1.All of our senses are called upon to help us learning

2.And i want the lobster the chef is serving
for dinner

3.just wanted to see if you needed anything
before i go off to bed.

5.You're supposed to be asking me question.

6.i find him very interesting and as a result
I have made considerable progress in English

"as a result"係呢句既解釋是?

回答 (2)

2009-05-20 10:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.All of our senses are called upon to help us learning
[all of our senses] 係 subject
[are called upon] 係 passive voice
[to help us learning] 係 infinitive phrase

2.And i want the lobster the chef is serving
for dinner 我要依家個總厨 serve 緊個隻龍蝦做晚餐。

the lobster 同 the chef 中間文法上簡畧咗個 [which] 字,所以先走埋一齊。
and I want the lobster which the chef is serving for dinner.

3.just wanted to see if you needed anything
before i go off to bed.

[just wanted to see if you needed anything] = just in case you needed something.

[just want to see if you need anything] = do you want anything?

5.You're supposed to be asking me question.
呢句要加be 因為 ask 有 ing。
如果唔加 be,就要話:you're supposed to ask me question.

6.i find him very interesting and as a result
I have made considerable progress in English

"as a result"係呢句既解釋是: [因為這個緣故]。


2009-05-20 21:49:20 補充:
2.And i want the lobster the chef is serving
for dinner

"(which) the chef is serving" 係 relative clause, 去形容 the lobster。
個 main sentence 係 "I want the lobster for dinner"。
個 relative clause answers the question "which lobster?"
參考: self, self
2009-05-20 8:31 pm
2) and i want the chef to serve the lobster as the dinner
3) 可以全部用現在式 (just want to see if you need anything before i go to bed)
5) 因為是呢句be = 被
6) as a result = 所以

2009-05-20 12:32:26 補充:
希望幫到你!! ^_^

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