new sir or yoki sir恆指會跌回萬四點嗎 ?

2009-05-20 11:53 am
現在恆指 17500 點只是熱錢留入 , 是否叫做大戶拓市 ? 是虛火 ? 還會跌回 14000 點嗎 ? 我有支金想趁低吸納 , 大概要幾時才可入市 , 請給予意見 , 謝謝.....

回答 (3)

2009-05-20 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I think 17000 today is pretty fair value, not that I think the market is in recovery yet, but reasons below,
- When HSI down to about 10000 and so did the rest of the world
- This created two things, 1) Partial equities to cash & 2) partial diminishing value due to price drop
- The money pulls out from the equities need to park somewhere (i.e.deposit, bonds, equities, hedge funds and etc)
- Return of money markets and bonds are not attractive with low interest rate nowaday
- Many bad news for hedge funds and not many people are interested in it.
- Global market is slowing down and very few countries are still growing
- So you have very few choice to invest into for equities if you are looking for growth countries (i.e. China, India Brazil and etc)
- China A share is pretty restricted, are foriegn investor can only buying the "indirect" A-Share investment like the A50 which is structured products underwrited by many big banks (there are risk)
- Alternative would be the H-shares (HSI have about 35% index component of H-Shares)
- How big is the China and HK market? As of today, China market is about 7.6% of the world market capital and HK 4.7%. And at US 30.6% and Euorpe 25%
- So HK and China market still very small, if investors money rush into HK for H shares, we are taking about a lot of money here.
- Also, the people already discounterd the expectations into the market price, so not if we see surprise expectation (i.e. things are out of control in the world & China and etc), then we see big impact to the H-Shares.
-Correction, maybe not as much as we would think it should so safer to start at 16000, for steps of 1000 for 3 steps if you target 14000 as I think below 15000 is unlikely if there is no surprise news coming out.

Hope this help
參考: my experience
2009-05-20 4:55 pm
1. 好多分析員話係資金市,即係有錢入嚟買嘢,但係你唔會知佢幾時提款。
2. 有評論認為牛市一期已經開始,而股票市場會走先於經濟數據─咁咪即係炒預期!你希望嘅嘢唔一定出現,不過你唔希望出現嘅嘢就好多時會發生。
3. 美國奧巴馬宣佈唔希望靠大陸買國債,咁會意味經濟進一步收縮。加稅同向高資產存戶伸手會迫使購買力回歸市場。
4. 下一輪應該係天然資源同環保項目受惠。我個人認為個市由14,000點去到17,500點升得太急,而所有經濟數據唔足以支持咁樣嘅市況。牛市一期應該係投資者信心慢慢恢復,而唔應該好似支箭咁升,好明顯係人為炒作!
5. 在面對咁唔明朗既經濟環境,我會建議人地番鄉下買地耕田─起碼自給自足!
2009-05-20 4:48 pm
這是公共分享看法和交流經驗的地方,非個人網頁或專用區。發問人不恰當單向要某人作答,其他人仕或有被輕視為非優之材、有被借為襯托、有被禁發言之嫌。發問人可直接先把問題在此提出,不需指名道姓,讓各人皆感被邀而主動作答。也許,發問人可直接邀請你要指名之人在此回答。發問人和回答者均以權責共負、不為個人名望為導向,不助長這不良之風,應是讓眾人認識問題,並以公平、公開和公正的態度,讓百家爭鳴齊放,分享看法和經驗!這正是 Yahoo 知識+ 之精神呀!况在現制度下,優勝劣敗,發問人有權可自行或讓網友共同選出最佳答案。那 【 發問人】就何須刻意在此先作出這不必要的提各而產生這不必要的誤會和不公平的對待呢!

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