
2009-05-20 5:26 am
各位好,小弟住官塘,近日買了一張 Magic-Pro ProHDTV Extreme 2 TV card,不過在家測試,不過不能掃描到數碼信號,只能找到模擬信號。
http://app1.ofta.gov.hk/apps/dtt/content/pub_list.asp 查,發現小弟住的大廈的碓有數碼信號。請問這是的 TV card 的問題 還是 小弟住的大廈的問題?請問如何可解決這問題?

回答 (4)

2009-05-20 5:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
The website "http://app1.ofta.gov.hk/apps/dtt/content/pub_list.asp" only indicates the area of digital TV broadcasting coverage but not ensureing the TV digital signal can pass through the central receiving antenna installed in the building you have lived there.

your "Magic-Pro ProHDTV Extreme 2" TV card cannot scan the digital TV signal might be the problem due to followings:

1) you antenna has equipment with bandpass filter which filtering out the frequency spectrum of digital TV;

2) your satellite TV services provide does not tune the frequency spectrum amplify to receive the digital TV signal (this problem that I have had encounterred until I compliant to the estate manager to take corrective actions)

3) you have joint any other service provider (such as Cable TV, HKBroad band TV etc.) which does not provide digital TV broadcasting signal, check and consult your service provider for details.

4) your "http://app1.ofta.gov.hk/apps/dtt/content/pub_list.asp" was defective!

5) you have install TV splitters ( usually split the TV signals for TV sets where installed at dinning room and bedroom) after your central TV antenna outlets which has built-in bandpass/highpass filter.
2009-05-22 11:17 am
2009-05-20 6:50 am
2009-05-20 5:43 am
Just a suggestion.

give your magic-pro card to your friends and ask them to test it in their home.

or, borrow a 高清盒 from a friend to test it in your home to test your 大廈天線
參考: me

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 16:37:55
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