電容( Capacitance)

2009-05-20 1:56 am
電容( Capacitance)點解被定義為 C=Q/V....




回答 (2)

2009-05-20 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
The product of QV (charge x voltage) gives you the physical quantity "energy", NOT capacitance.
The physical interpretation of capacitance is the "capacity" of an object to store charges, similar to a tank in storing water. If an object has high capacity, this indicates that it can keep large quantity of charges with only a small rise in potential.
This is just like a tank of large base area can store large amount of water with a small water height as compared with one with small base area, which for the same volume of water stored, would have a larger height of water.
2009-05-24 8:45 pm
funny Q

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