怎樣format 到從 harddisk 錄影機拆來嘅hd

2009-05-19 10:23 pm
請問, 怎樣才能 format 到從 harddisk 錄影機拆來嘅 harddisk 呢?

我想把它當做一般PC o既 harddisk 用, 但係我部 xp 完全認/讀唔到佢.


回答 (2)

2009-05-20 2:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
你冇講係個 Harddisk係 SSD還是係舊款 Harddisk,如果係舊款, 睇下有冇高手有 98 開機碟啦, 磁碟黎架, 裏面有個 file叫 fdisk可以夾硬刪除佢唔認識系統, 但係要熟手技工先識用, 如果係 SSD就真係可能用唔到啦, SSD好似唔駛FORMAT
2009-05-20 1:58 am
The harddisk that you disconnected from the hdd recorder may be the application hardware that mainly for that applicant device use. This kind of harddisk cannot be detected by computer. Hop this would help.

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