What is 0.05 into a fraction?

2009-05-18 9:01 am
What is 0.05 into a fraction?
And how do I work it out?




Please how did u get the answer? How did u divid or times?


so what is 0.02 at a fraction?

回答 (15)

2009-05-18 9:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
First convert the decimal to a percentage. You can convert any decimal to a percentage simply by multiplying it by 100. So move the dec point two places to the right, and you get 5 percent. Now write it as a fraction, and you get 5/100. Now reduce it to its simplest form. 5 goes into 5 once and into 100 20 times, so you have 1/20

Next, you ask about 0.02 as a fraction. Just do the same thing. As a percentage it is 2 percent, and that gives 2/100. Now reduce it, giving 1/50
2009-05-18 9:08 am
0.05 =05/100=1/20
2009-05-18 9:07 am
2009-05-18 9:07 am
0.05 = 5/100
2009-05-18 9:05 am
5 / 100 = 1 / 20
2009-05-18 9:04 am
rewrite as 5 / 100 and reduce by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 5....

the fraction is 1 / 20
2016-05-25 3:51 pm
To turn a decimal into a fraction, start by figuring out what place the numbers are in. Here is the order for them: decimal / tenths / hundredths / thousandths You'll notice that the 5 is in the thousandths column. Since that is the last number we have (nothing goes further to the right of the decimal than the 5), that is what we work with. Take that number and put it over 1000. Now you have 005 / 1000. Don't forget to remove the decimal! You do that because you've now put it back over the 1000 so it is 005 out of 1000. The two 00 in front are unnecessary now so drop them. You are left with 5/1000. If you don't have to reduce it, you are done. If you need to reduce, look at both numbers to see if you can find a common denominator. Both 5 and 1000 can be divided by 5 so divide both parts by 5 and you get 5 divided by 5 = 1 and 1000 divided by 5 = 200. Your reduced fraction then becomes 1/200.
2009-05-18 9:14 am
In stages

0.5 is 50/100 or 50% or one half, as you know.

So 0.05 is 5/100 (the 5 moves 1 place to the right, equivalent to dividing the 50 by 10)

5/100 is 1/20 (divide 100 by 5)
2009-05-18 9:46 am
= 0.05 x 100/100
= 5/100
= (5 ÷ 5)/(100 ÷ 5)
= 1/20

= 0.02 x 100/100
= 2/100
= (2 ÷ 2)/(100 ÷2)
= 1/50
2009-05-18 9:35 am
no big deal.
in 0.05 there are two digits after the decimal point.
so you'll have to multiply and divide the decimal by a number that has two zeroes.
the simplest number with two zeroes is obviously 100.
so all you have to do is multiply and divide 0.05 by 100
that is
0.05 x 100/100
now if you observe, we are dividing and multiplying 0.05 by the same number, so its value remains unchanged.
for egs - 17 x 2/2 = 34/2 = 17
coming back to the topic
0.05 x 100/100 = (0.05 x 100) / 100
= 5 / 100
there you go... 5 / 100 is a fraction. now all you have to do is simplify the fraction.
5/100 can be written as ( 1 x 5 ) / ( 20 x 5 )
which is equal to 1/20
this is your final answer.
similarly 0.02 would be equal to 2 / 100 = 1/50

here you are just changing a number from one form to another i.e. from a decimal to a fraction. you aren't changing the value of the fraction.

Hope I Was Helpfull
參考: My cerebellum | i love maths

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