以下的例子係Market entry/devlopment?

2009-05-19 3:51 am
XXX moves into Japn market is an example of:
Market entry
Market devlopment
Market penetration
Product devlopment

回答 (1)

2009-05-20 1:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
Firstly , your first sentense mean "XXX moves into Japan market is an example of:" Is it right???

The examples that you have said is a kind of"Market entry/developement"!!!
1. Market entry: I'm sure you know it is means the door or the place to go in

2. Market devlopment: Market devlopment means you fix/renew a market or you even build a new market

3. Market penetration: Market penetration means the things you sale in the market(E.g Food/Drinks)!!!

4. Product devlopment: Product devlopment means you change the product(What changes???
The packing of the product[E.g Food or things orthe packing changes] mabye because they are too old!!!)
What is the answer???

The answer should be : XXX moves into Japan market is an example of market developement!!!
(Although entry means you go in but develope is more fit because it is a bigger way to think , market develope has already covered the market entry)
I am very sorry
Hope I can help you!!!
參考: Brain and dictionary

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