Provision for taxation

2009-05-18 9:13 pm
通常Provision for taxation 是記錄未繳付的稅款,但如果我按政府發出的單,全數繳款Provision for taxation是否等於零

回答 (3)

2009-05-18 10:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The provision for taxation is only a rough estimation of the profits tax liability a company may has. Normally, there is a difference on the amount provided to the amount actually paid.
In this case, you have to Dr. Taxation Dr. Provision for Taxation and Cr. Bank for any tax underprovided. Vice versa, Dr. Provision for Taxation Cr. Taxation Cr. Bank for amount overprovided.
For example, if the Provision for Taxation is $100 and the actual tax liability is $90. Upon payment. the entries are Dr. Provison for Taxation $100 Cr. Taxation ( Other Income ) $10 Cr. Bank $90, being the tax liability for last year overprovided.
2009-05-19 9:54 pm
不一定, 因為 provision for tax 是一個公司預計的稅務金額, 並不是相同於 稅局發出要交稅的 tax assessment 時的繳稅金額的.

匯訊會計 熱線: 82061801(香港)

參考: 匯訊會計 報稅 核數 稅務 成立公司
2009-05-19 6:50 pm
由於香港政府會收預繳稅,假設你做稅金準備(Provision for Taxation) 同政府結算一樣你都差咗預繳稅,所以唔應該係零。

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:37:36
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