
2009-05-18 11:32 am
有人能夠把以下中文翻譯成英文嗎 幫助我?! thanks

1972年8月16日的倫敦彩虹劇院,宇宙搖滾巨星Ziggy Stardust身著超級高跟鞋、發亮連身裝、紅色眼影、橘色頭髮,從乾冰中緩緩出現。才要把這個世界賣掉 的大衛鮑伊,在這張新的概念性專輯The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust中,卻以宇宙搖滾巨星的身份拯救地球。Ziggy Stardust雌雄同體、揉合著華麗與頹廢,充滿未來主義的前衛造型,自此改變了搖滾樂的美學想像,以及搖滾樂與情慾的愛恨糾纏。


Ziggy Stardust並不是這場革命的開始。在1971年的專輯The Man Who Sold the World中,鮑伊就以性別曖昧的造型出現 。但當時影響力更深遠的是在同一年,T.Rex的靈魂人物馬克波倫(Marc Bolan)開始化上濃妝、身著閃光亮片衣服、頭頂紅色膨鬆頭髮, 從1971年底起,馬克波倫和大衛鮑伊的成功開始捲起一片華麗搖滾的風潮。


Ⅱ Oh,You Pretty Thing!
1969年6月,在紐約格林威治村的一家同志酒吧石牆(Stonewall Inn),美麗少年們群起反抗警察的粗暴。這是改變同志平權運動的石牆事件,同志扮裝文化也在此誕生新的起點。而在石牆事件的背後,是整個六○年代反文化運動中的性解放動力。





Ⅲ Children of the Revolution

華麗搖滾毋寧更像是一種特定時空脈絡下的時尚潮流、青年次文化,而非音樂型態;不像其他的青年運動,華麗搖滾從來無法被複製、再現,無法成為一種固定存在的次文化。所以當其他音樂類型如龐克、重金屬、雷鬼在獨領風騷的時代過後,都能各自有延續的音樂次類型,華麗搖滾卻只能有限地滲透其他音樂類型:如八○年代的後龐克(The Cure, Siouxsie & the Banshees)、新浪漫派(Duran Duran、Boy George),以及華麗金屬(glam metal)。

如今,也有人說華麗搖滾在九○年代復活了,那些在七○年代初就現身的「二十世紀男孩」的美麗靈魂,三十年後又在二十一世紀來臨前重新化成肉身:從最具華麗搖滾扮相的早期Manic Street Preacher,到Placebo(鮑伊曾說Placebo是他最喜歡的新樂隊),或是未化女妝,但更具陰柔氣質的Bret Anderson(Suede的主唱)及Jarvis Cocker(Pulp的主唱)――後者的確無法不讓人聯想起Roxy Music樂團主唱Bryan Ferry――乃至以雌雄同體加上未來主義造型,而宛如Ziggy Stardust殭屍版的Marilyn Mason。


回答 (3)

2009-05-19 2:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
The rainbow theater of London for August 16, 1972, the universe rock superstar Ziggy Stardust wore the super high-heeled shoes, connected shinily with body putting, red eye shadow, hair of orange, appear slowly from ice of the universe. Iraq of David Bao who should just sell this world, in this new concept special edition The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust, but save the earth in the capacity of universe rock superstar. Ziggy Stardust hermaphroditism, integrating magnificently and decadently, is full of fashionable model of futurism, imagine from this aesthetics which has changed the rock music, and rock music and love of the lust hate pestering.

The magnificent rock we can say it is a flower that the music and young culture seed opened in six times, but that spirit is denied to six times at the same time and subversion.

Ziggy Stardust is not a beginning of this revolution. In special edition The Man Who Sold the World of 1971, Bao Yi appeared with the model with ambiguous sex. But it was the same year that the influence was more far-reaching at that time, personage's mark wave human relations of soul (Marc Bolan) of T.Rex Begin, melt, have thick to make up, wear, glisten bright slices of clothes, top of the head getting red to expand loose hair, from the end of 1971, the wave human relations of mark and success of David and Bao Yi begin to roll up the agitation of a magnificent rock.

In the whole 1972, 1973, on the British billboard was all these no matter in model, image, stage performance, even try to cross the border in sex in the lyrics, pass through fashion and decadent group.
This is the gold period of magnificent rock.
2009-05-19 8:07 am


2009-05-18 4:52 pm
August 16, 1972 London rainbow theater, universe rock and roll giant star Ziggy Stardust wore the super high-heeled shoes, to shine Lian Shenzhuang, the red eye shadow, the orange color hair, appeared slowly from the dry ice. Only then must the David Bao Iraq which sells out this world, in this new conceptive special edition The Rise & In Fall of Ziggy Stardust, actually saves the Earth by the universe rock and roll giant star's status. Ziggy the Stardust monoecism, will knead together is being magnificent and is dispirited, fills futurism vanguard modelling, from now on will change the rock and roll esthetics imagination, as well as the rock and roll and the passion love will hate the entanglement.

2009-05-18 08:54:31 補充:
The magnificent rock and roll may say that is flowers which 60 age musics and the youth culture seed start out, but simultaneously is also to 60 age spirit denial and the subversion.
), new romantic (Duran Duran, Boy George), as well as magnificent metal (glam metal).

2009-05-18 08:55:28 補充:
Now, also some people said the magnificent rock and roll has reactivated in 90 ages, these in 70 ages at the beginning on this present existence “the 20th century boy” beautiful soul, 30
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