
2009-05-18 3:06 am
present perfect , present perfect continuous , PAST perfect,PAST perfect continuous,future , future continuous 幾時先用??~~~

回答 (3)

2009-05-18 4:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
你好,我暂时让你一次过看完 present perfect 和 past perfect 的解释咯。请先看以下网址。

Present perfect continuous 是用在一些最近停止或刚刚停止的事物,也就是说 an activity that has recently stopped or just stopped。

1) You are out of breath. Have you been running? (=you're out of breath now)

2) A: "Is it raining?"
B: "No, but the ground is wet. It has been raining."

如果你写 It has been raining for two hours 的话,它代表两个意思的,一是雨已经下了两个小时和刚刚停雨了,二是雨已经下了两个小时和现在还是在下着雨。

你也可以用在一些在一段期间里的重复动作,也就是说 the actions repeated over a period of time。

Tom is a very good tennis player. He's been playing since he was ten.

可能你会像我以前一样很疑惑 present perfect 跟 present perfect continuous 到底怎么分和用呢?

其实我们用 present perfect 是注重那个动作的结果,也注重它是否完成了没有,也就是说 we are interested in the activity whether it has been finished. We are also interested in the result of the activity。

反而,我们用 present perfect continuous 是注重那个动作或事物而不是结果,也不注重它是否完成了没有,也就是说 we are interested in the activity. It does not matter whether something has been finished or not。

Past perfect continuous 也是类似 present perfect continuous 那样,它只不过比 present perfect continuous 的时间过去了更加久而已,就是在过去了的时间用的。

1) I hope the bus comes soon. I've been waiting for 20 minutes. (before now) - present perfect continuous

2) At last the bus came. I'd been waiting for 20 minutes. (before the bus came) - past perfect continuous


其实当我们要用 Past Perfect Tense 时,我们最好是用在某样事情或某个动作在另一个过去了的动作之前,也就是 something happened before another action in the past。

1) We had been playing for half an hour when it started to rain.

至于 future 啊,这个就不是很好解释了,因为我们不只平时会用 will / shall 和 be going to,还可以用 simple present 和 present continuous 当作 future 的用途。


1) Where shall we go this evening?

2) I won't tell anyone what happened. I promise.

3) I am going on holiday next Saturday.

4) Are you going to play badminton this evening?

5) Are you working tomorrow?

6) I'm leaving tomorrow. I've got my plane ticket.

7) I start my new job on Monday.

8) The film begins at 8.15 (this evening).

2009-05-17 20:48:28 補充:
我们通常用 future continuous 在一些我们未来时正在做着的某些事物,也就是说 we will be in the middle of doing something 咯。

1) This time next week I'll be on holiday. I'll be lying on the beach or swimming in the sea.

2) Don't phone between 7 and 8. We'll be having dinner.

2009-05-17 20:48:53 補充:
3) At 10 o'clock tomorrow, she will be in her office. She will be working.

还有更深的,我就不方便在这里讲太多了,你可以做点练习题的,这样你就会善用这些 tenses 了。

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-05-18 3:25 am
present perfect :

1. experience
2. a past event without an exact time
3. something that has just finished

Past perfect

1. When we talk about two past actions, we use the past perfect tense with the action which had happened first.

2. When we talk about wishes which can never be fulfilled, we use the past perfect tense.

3. We use the past perfect tense in type 3 conditional.

4. We use the past perfect tense in reported speech.


future tense

1. Talking about the future

2. Talking about the future using the present continuous tense


present perfect continuous

1. talk about you started at a certain time in the past and that action has been going on UP TO NOW

2. a more general meaning of "lately."


PAST perfect continuous

1. to show that something started in the past and continued up until another time in the past.

2.Using the Past Perfect Continuous before another action in the past is a good way to show cause and effect.


future continuous

1. a longer action in the future will be interrupted by a shorter action in the future

2. Also,using short actions as interruptions, you can also use a specific time as an interruption.

如果有咩5明 , 歡迎e-mail比我
I will give u an example
參考: Englishpage.com
2009-05-18 3:16 am




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