
2009-05-18 2:15 am

回答 (2)

2009-05-18 6:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
酸有solid, liquid & gas. Solid要水dilute 為較dilute solution, 例如oxalic acid. 而dissolve in water to provide free hydrogen ion HO3+, 在reaction 是easier. Liquid acid such acetic acid, is anhydrous glacial acetic acid. Vinegar is a 5 to 10% dilute acetic acid. It is edible acid solution. Gas acid is hydrogen chloride which is dissolved in water to hydrochloric acid. Water makes acids more easy to handle, easy to react with other compounds.
2009-05-18 2:48 am

酸能以固體形式存在, 但在此情況下, 酸未能表現出其性質.

所以水對酸的重要性就是, 水能將固體狀態的酸電離, 並使之能表現酸的性質.
參考: ME

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