
2009-05-17 11:25 pm

例1(that): I am proud of our canteen that opens at 7:15 a.m.
例2(where):We went to a park where she gave each of us a bookmark.
例3(who):i saw a lady who was nice and friendly.




001咁樣點解例1(that): I am proud of our canteen that opens at 7:15 a.m. 係用係canteen,佢明明係一個地方,點解用that?


001( 魚蛋仔)咁樣點解例1(that): I am proud of our canteen that opens at 7:15 a.m. 係用係canteen,佢明明係一個地方,點解用that?

回答 (2)

2009-05-17 11:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
that // where // who 係用黎將兩句連麻既 (幫助詞), 要放在 noun 後面。 (用來連接 “ 相同”既 noun )

That // which : 物件 或 動物 (一定唔係人)

Where : 地方

Who : 人物

e.g. (that // which)

1/ I love my dog. My dog is my pet.

I love my dog (動物) that is my pet.

e.g. (where)

2/ I live in Kowloon Tong. Kowloon Tong is a part of HK.

I live in Kowloon Tong (地方) where is a part of HK.

e.g. ( Who )

3/ Ann is my cousin. Ann plays the piano.

Ann (人物), who plays the piano, is my cousin.

hope i can help you ;)
參考: mine
2009-05-18 12:50 am
有時用where有啲重覆, 我哋會用that代替, that 可以代替 which 都得, 而你嗰句係提proud of既原因, 唔係一定指canteen, 所以唔一定要用where。

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