
2009-05-17 8:45 pm
我已經去咗"控制台"既新增或移除程式, 但都delete唔到.
同埋, 啲字係亂碼, 睇唔明...

回答 (3)

2009-05-17 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
熄,在右下角有飛速土豆icon,用右鍵click一下,飛速土豆的功能表出現,最低一項就是熄呀!然後才去咗"控制台"既新增或移除程式, 就delete到.
2009-05-17 11:07 pm
Hello. You can try to use this software to delete your program, it called Your Uninstaller! 2008. That software can help you delete some software you can't remove., moreover, it can remove the software more clearer than you use the add and remove program. Finally, I hope this software can hlpe you to finish your work. dowmload linkas follow:
參考: network
2009-05-17 9:28 pm
我都有咁樣,亂碼哂, 只有重裝先得

2009-05-17 13:32:35 補充:
重裝電腦.. 你有咩重要既野可以用usb save 哂佢, 之後成部機重裝過佢
參考: , 自己

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