help..唔識用had been

2009-05-17 7:31 am
Since 2001, when Lee was still a Fine Arts undergraduate, he had been hand-painting tablecloths with acrylics.

呢個had been點用
我知道had been解去過乜乜地方

回答 (4)

2009-05-17 11:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
"had been hand-painting"
this is past perfect continuous tense

Actually this is sometimes used interchangably with past perfect tense, but past perfect continuous tense emphasize that the action had been performed over a period of time.

Here the statement means that Lee had started hand-painting since 2001. We don't know how lond had he been doing so, and we don't know whether he is still doing so now. But one thing we can know from this statement is that the action "hand-painting" had last for certain duration and was not simply a single event in the past.
2009-05-17 6:08 pm
"Have been" in this sentence does not stand alone. It combines with "hand-printing" to form the past perfect continuous tense.

The use of past perfect continuous tense is not appropriate here if Lee started to hand-print tablecloths with acrylics and continues doing that until now. In that case, we should use present pefect tense or present perfect continuous tense.

It would be ok if Lee stopped doing that at a certain time in the past. For example, if Lee started to use something else instead of acrylics in 2005, then it is ok to use past perfect tense because Lee had been hand-painting tablecloths with acrylics from 2001 to 2005, not 2001 to the present moment.
2009-05-17 5:55 pm

2009-05-17 9:54 am
上面呢個had been解已經
參考: me

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