Pls translate into English !!

2009-05-17 7:14 am
Can anyone help me to translate the following into English ??

1) 唔好意思, 呢方面我唔係咁清楚, 你介唔介意等一等, 我將條線駁比我上司叫佢解答你, 好嗎 ??

2) 唔好意思, 而家入面有人上緊堂, 不如你坐埋一邊等一陣 !!

3) 我手頭上有 d 關於呢個課程既資料, 你有冇 email 呀 ?? 一係我將 d 課程資料 email 比你, 好嗎 ??

Thanks !!

回答 (6)

2009-05-17 11:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) 唔好意思, 呢方面我唔係咁清楚, 你介唔介意等一等, 我將條線駁比我上司叫佢解答你, 好嗎 ??
I am so sorry that I am not very clear about this question. Would you mind waiting for a minute so that I can pass you through to my supervisor for him to answer you in details?

2) 唔好意思, 而家入面有人上緊堂, 不如你坐埋一邊等一陣 !!
I am sorry but there is someone inside having a class. Maybe you can take a seat and wait for a moment?

3) 我手頭上有 d 關於呢個課程既資料, 你有冇 email 呀 ?? 一係我將 d 課程資料 email 比你, 好嗎 ??
I do have some information about this course in hand. Do you have an email account? If so maybe I can pass the course information to you via email for your reference. Does it sound okay for you?

2009-05-20 12:38:03 補充:
Correction on last sentence:

Does it sound okay TO you?
參考: Myself
2009-05-19 4:36 pm
Uhmm. I live in USA. So yea..

1)Sorry. I am not sure about it. Do you mind to wait for a little bit
and I'll ask my boss to answer it for you. Okay?
2)Sorry. There's a class in there right now. Why do you sit there
and wait for a little bit?
3) My boss has the information about the course. Do you have email or you want me to Send the info through the Email for you?
參考: myself.
2009-05-17 5:55 pm

2009-05-17 5:19 pm
1) 唔好意思, 呢方面我唔係咁清楚, 你介唔介意等一等, 我將條線駁比我上司叫佢解答你, 好嗎 ??
Oh sorry, I am not quite sure about that. Hold on please. Let me
transfer your line to my supervisor (department head or mananger).
He/She can help you for sure.

2) 唔好意思, 而家入面有人上緊堂, 不如你坐埋一邊等一陣 !!
Sorry, (I am afraid) someone is taking a class inside. Can you please
take a seat and wait for a moment?

3) 我手頭上有 d 關於呢個課程既資料, 你有冇 email 呀 ?? 一係我將 d 課程資料 email 比你, 好嗎 ??
For the course you ask for, I have some useful information on hand. Do you have any email account? I will be more than happy to email the information to you if you like.

I hope you will find the above translation useful. Bless you!
2009-05-17 7:58 am
1) 唔好意思, 呢方面我唔係咁清楚, 你介唔介意等一等, 我將條線駁比我上司叫佢解答你, 好嗎 ??
Oh I am so sorry that I can't answer your question in this aspect. Would you mind waiting for a moment and if I put you through to my supervisor and he will reply to your questions ?

2) 唔好意思, 而家入面有人上緊堂, 不如你坐埋一邊等一陣 !!
Excuse me ! The people inside the classroom are having the class. Would you mind sitting there for a moment?

3) 我手頭上有 d 關於呢個課程既資料, 你有冇 email 呀 ?? 一係我將 d 課程資料 email 比你, 好嗎 ??
I have some information about this course in hand. Do you have any email address so that I can send the information about the course for your reference?
2009-05-17 7:44 am

1) 唔好意思, 呢方面我唔係咁清楚, 你介唔介意等一等, 我將條線駁比我上司叫佢解答你, 好嗎 ??
Sorry! I am not too familiar with this. Would you please hold on as I will connect you to my supervisor (Boss) , who will answer your question thoroughly.

2) 唔好意思, 而家入面有人上緊堂, 不如你坐埋一邊等一陣 !!
Sorry! There is lesson inside. Please kindly take a seat and wait for a moment here.

3) 我手頭上有 d 關於呢個課程既資料, 你有冇 email 呀 ?? 一係我將 d 課程資料 email 比你, 好嗎 ??
I have information regarding the couse. If you have email, I will email you details of the course.

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