
2009-05-17 6:42 am
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2009-05-17 7:16 pm
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中華鱘(學名:Acipenser sinensis)或中國鱘在動物分類上,隸屬於魚綱、鱘形目、鱘科、鱘屬,別稱鱘魚、鰉魚、苦臘子、鱣等。中華鱘是中國特產的珍貴魚類,屬中國國家一級保護動物。牠們與大熊貓一樣具有重要的學術研究價值,是研究魚類和脊椎動物進化的活化石,而且還具有重要的經濟價值,和生活在同一水域的白鱘並稱為中國的「水中國寶」。


中華鱘具有的一系列原始特徵,使其介於軟骨魚類(鯊魚等)與硬骨魚類之間,又是硬骨魚類中較原始的物種,因此在魚類進化歷史中有着重要的學術價值。同時因個體較大,肉、卵鮮美且具有很高的營養和中藥藥用價值,《本草綱目》記載:「其肝主治瘡疥,其肉補虛益氣,浴血淋,其鼻肉作脯補虛下氣,其籽如小豆,食之健美,殺腹內小蟲。皮可製革;鰾稱為「鰉魚肚」,含有豐富的膠質,可配製上等漆料,並可入藥;肉味道鮮美;脊椎骨、鼻骨等均為上等佳餚,素有「鯊魚 翅,鱘魚骨,食之延年益壽,滋陰壯陽」之說;體表由硬磷形成的骨板是製作工藝品的材料;在分佈區其自古就為最要的漁業對象,才造成了它們被大肆捕撈破壞,從而導致中華鱘資源遭到嚴重破壞。
中華鱘被列入國家一級重點保護動物名錄,中華鱘研究所的科研人員研究出人工繁殖的科學方法,並於1984年開始首次放流人工繁殖中華鱘魚苗,至今已整整21年,共向長江、珠江放流中華鱘 4537309尾。4月28日,農業部、中國三峽總公司再次舉行大型放流活動。

[編輯] 香港海洋公園

2009-05-17 7:40 pm
Chinese sturgeon is a large migratory fish. Normally, Chinese sturgeon habitat in the North since the Korean west coast, south to the southeast coast of China's coastal areas of the continental shelf. Lived in the sea, 9-18 years later, close to gonadal maturation, it is a group access to the Yangtze River Migratory team to reach the upper reaches of the Yangtze and along the Jinsha River in Sichuan Yibin breeding segment. The annual summer gathering in the Yangtze Delta, the

Yangtze River upper reaches of the Jinsha River to swim to the

spawning area, and David Jiang Shun sturgeon down to the East China

Sea, Yellow Sea in the growth of deep-water. However, the

construction of the Yangtze River a number of hydropower stations, so

that the fish in the Yangtze River propagation loss of spawning sites,

completely blocked the migratory route of the Chinese sturgeon,

irrational human activities have seriously damaged the ecological

environment of the Yangtze River and the ecological system of

Chinese sturgeon, long Chinese sturgeon migratory routes, the viability

of a lower vulnerability to external hazards, this species will be difficult

once the restoration of damaged.


2009-05-17 11:47:29 補充:
China sturgeon with a series of original features, to the range of cartilaginous

fishes (sharks, etc.) and between the bony fish, bony fish are the more primitive

species of fish evolution in the history of an important academic .

2009-05-17 11:48:14 補充:

2009-05-17 11:48:37 補充:
bony fish are the more primitive

species of fish evolution in the history of an important academic .


2009-05-17 11:49:37 補充:
and its seeds, such as red beans, food is body-building, intra-abdominal bug kill. Paper can be leather;At the same

time, individual large, meat, eggs and meat has a higher degree of nutrition and

the role of Chinese medicine, "
2009-05-17 5:57 pm



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