Help!!! Flash mx 2004

2009-05-16 10:00 pm
I have finished the triditional version of mx flash 2004 , what should I do
if I wish to continue to use flash???
I need to buy it or how???
Tell me where can I solve this problem!!!

The most details and the most clear will be the best answer!!! Good luck!!! ^_^


yes , I mean "trial" version

回答 (3)

2009-05-16 10:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Actually, I think your '' triditional version '' word is that what we called the '' trial version '' . If you have downloaded the trial version of the Flash MX 2004 from some websites, and you have finished the trial version, I recommend you buying if you want to use Flash. It is not so expensive, I think it just cost you $200 something. One thing I need to say is that , if you buy Flash, buy the Flash 2008 instead of buying Flash MX 2004 because Flash 2008 is new and it has more function than that of the Flash MX 2004.

It is very easy to solve this problem.

Hope i could help you!!

^ - ^
參考: all by myself
2009-05-23 7:06 pm
flash is a powerful easy-to-use software, can make a stunning page effect, it is worth
taking the time to learn and used to create web pages.
The latest version is flash cs4, You can download a trial version from adobe, of course, you have to learn MX version.
You can take a look at my page, the middle animation made with flash 8
Note: This page is to test the software I used, the content is coarse !
the link
2009-05-16 10:13 pm
if you can
plz contact me by msn
[email protected]
參考: myself

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