Why WMD US and UK so concern?

2009-05-16 7:27 pm
US, UK, we all know WMD (Weapon of Mass Destruction) is only an excuses to invade. But why WMD so concern to UK and US, and result in troops invasion?

回答 (1)

2009-05-17 11:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Middle Eastern nations have been conducting suicide bombings, andinciting religious hate for decades.

You don't see the United States invade the former Soviet Union or China for acquiring WMD. The Soviet and Chinese communist government might be ruled by inhumane dictatorships, but at least they're rational enough by not conducting suicidal bombings and crying for warmongering Jihadist messages.

Don't forget that Israel was condemned by the whole world for destroying the Iraqi nuclear plant during 1981 (Operation Opera), with the Israeli airforce. However Israel's action was praised after Iraq's ambitious invasion of Kuwait during the Gulf War. The US invasion of Iraq was necessary, but Iraq had a notorious record for WMD's and should be secured.

2009-05-17 03:42:33 補充:
spellcheck: unnecessary, not necessary.

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