
2009-05-16 8:08 am
The system refers to Enterprise Resource Planning System (ERP) - A software package

Q.1: How long can you tolerate without the system in each business process before you

switch to manual?

Q.2: What resources does your department need to continue the process (es) in manual

mode? (In terms of manpower, data, & any other resources)

Q.3: How would you interact with vendors, customers, other departments under manual


Q.4: How would you record the transactions to resume to system?


回答 (1)

2009-05-19 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
Q1.最重要係睇你公司用邊做牌子同MAINTAIN公司,因為吾同公司SET個要求都吾同,因為有D公司係24小時就可以容許5-10分鐘,一般公司係半個鐘.因為switch to manual有時自已轉會快過叫CONTRACTOR整

所有DATA跟平時一樣,因為當轉返AUTO MODE D DATA會TRANS返入去.要睇你係乜野公司WOR~!因為間D DATA FIELD都吾同

Q3.ERP 係同其他vendors, customers, other departments係同步,所以只要你UPDATE D INFORMATION佢地都已經睇到,有D ERP 會有SAFTY STOCKS FUNCTION,你冇需要特別通知人,但响MANUNAL MODE係冇,你只可以等佢回復正常,一係只可以自己SENT E-MAIL.

Q.4 我只係用紙同筆,等佢RESUME之後入機....

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