心同感受 英文是什麼?

2009-05-15 6:51 pm
心同感受 英文是什麼? Thx.

回答 (6)

2009-05-15 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
正確寫法應該是 : 感同身受
英文寫法 : to walk in his shoes / to fit into her shoes
參考資料 : http://blog.roodo.com/noral/archives/cat_61164.html
Learn to walk in his shoes.

參考資料 : http://www.meilok.com/templates/System/details.asp?id=39757&PID=483935&func=update

2009-05-15 12:54:48 補充:
Additional information :

other example :
She normally had great empathy for people she read about, but she had no sympathy for these boat people.
empathy:感同身受 。sympathy:同情,憐憫。

2009-05-15 12:55:43 補充:
參考資料 : http://www.cybertranslator.idv.tw/confusables/confusables1.htm
2009-06-05 7:57 pm
回答者: ashleydls ( 大學級 1 級 )
擅長領域: 英文 | 中文
回答時間: 2009-05-15 12:34:44
[ 檢舉 ]
Empathy eh? You have no clue what integrity is all about!!!

2009-06-05 12:02:05 補充:
One day sooner or later, your conscience along with your FAKE IDs will be buried deep down in the trough of the Pacific Ocean!!
You'd then see a big sign that reads " What a major cheat I am!!".
2009-05-17 7:05 am
My heart goes out to that person.
2009-05-16 4:08 am
Heart with feelings of
2009-05-15 8:34 pm
feel the same for sb(somebody簡寫)'s suffer,就咁用feel the same都得,係日常用法;
feel what sb feels
feel empathetic(同理心:無經歷嗰個慘況而代入到) for
2009-05-15 7:54 pm
empathy -
understanding of another's feelings: the ability to identify with and understand somebody else's feelings or difficulties

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