(急!!) Toefl 或 Ielts 的課程,八月前完成的

2009-05-15 6:50 pm
Ihave just finished the HKCEE and I am looking for some English program to prepare me for IELTS and TOEFL. Howwever, most of the courses I have found lasts more than three months or even half year.

Could you please find some suitable courses for me?
I can start the lessons in Mid May.

My email is [email protected]. Thanks a lot for your help.

回答 (2)

2009-05-22 8:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我上年有個f5 friend都報咗個ielts班,考到7分.
佢上嘅係精讀課程,著重讀,寫,聽,講( ielts四大範疇)
你可以比你email我,我可以比多啲資料你! 希望幫到你啦 : )
參考: 朋友+自己
2009-05-16 3:50 am
Hi there,

For IELTS short courses in Hong Kong, Elite English is your best
choice. They offer:-

- 8 lesson IELTS course - can complete within 1 month, or
-16 lesson IELTS course - can complete within 6 weeks.

They run classes all year round so you can join at any time -
very flexible for students.

They have small class groups of 8 students. You need to book
early because the classes are always full.

Elite English Learning Centre

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