Is This Online Pregnancy Testing Site Legit?

2009-05-14 5:30 pm

It is pretty funny the "extra" results you get with the test. Though I need a serious answer cause I not crazy about having a kid right now if that's the case lol

回答 (16)

2009-05-14 5:54 pm
haha...mine said I am having a brown hair blue eyed girl fathered by Fabio!
參考: I am Asian, pregnant with a baby boy, my husband is also Asian.
2009-05-14 5:42 pm
Haha so I am the proud parent of a 16lbs 1oz baby girl..and the father is the mailman...oh goodness
2009-05-14 5:42 pm
No, I tried it. It said i was pregnant and going to have a girl at 11lbs 8oz and the father was Jesse Jackson!
Is a good but of fun though!
Thanks it made me smile! :)
2009-05-14 5:40 pm
I was gonna answer don't be so ridiculous but then I tried it, it said I was pregnant, having a girl & she would have black hair & green eyes. This is all true, I am preg, having a girl & daddy has black hair & green eyes. But then it said michael jackson, the neighbours kid (called me a hussey too) & bill clinton was the daddy haha.
2009-05-14 5:39 pm
i dont think so, i just did it. at first it told me no baby but to confirm doing it again, so i did it again and it said i was pregnant and that im having a girl that will be 10 pounds. oh and that the father was the mailman ( we have a mailwoman). then so i did it again and it said no, then yes again.

sounds too good to be true. but i guess it could be right just out of luck. take a real test. good luck
2009-05-14 5:39 pm
Lol, mine said Arnold Schwarzeneger was the father!
2009-05-14 5:38 pm
nah its crap! says im not pregnant but i am almost 7 weeks pregnant lol
2009-05-14 5:35 pm
Seriously? My baby's daddy is Dick Cheney? I'm screwed.
2009-05-14 5:35 pm
Only if you really have reason to believe that Michael Jackson is your baby's father.

(no, it is not legit, it's a joke)
2009-05-14 5:35 pm
Of course not. If it were I'd be having a 16 lbs, 4 oz baby girl with black hair and hazel eyes and Dick Cheney would be the father.

It is funny though.

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