chem---van der waals' forc 不 明

2009-05-15 2:58 am
I know that HCl,HNO3,H2SO4 are week van der waals' force .

Actually,i want to ask how to know which force is larger or smaller?or i need to do some calculations?? because i dun really know how to determine the force just depand on the difference of electronegativity.

remark: I am a f.4 student and please make it not too difficult for understanding.

回答 (1)

2009-05-16 8:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. wrong question:
HCl,HNO3,H2SO4 are week van der waals' force
Each of HCl,HNO3, and H2SO4 is a covalent compound.
Their molecules are held together
by weak Van derWaal's force (VdW).
(weaker than bonds).

2. I believe most of the exact strength
of the VdW force is experimentally found.
I believe we can do some kind of calculations.
But, at F4-5 level, you have to learn to compare the strengthes of compounds like HCl vs H-H or Cl-Cl
HCl would have the highest VdW
H has the same electronegativity as the other H in H-H.
Similarly, Cl has the same electronegativity as the other Cl in Cl-Cl.
only H and Cl has different electronegativity in H-Cl.
so this molecule has some minor charge
we call this "dipole moment"
And, this minor charge (we call it delta positive / delta negative)
exerts some extra attractive force among H-Cl molecules
Electrostatic force is strong.

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