
2009-05-15 2:56 am
我今年10月去美國返工, 要明年10月先返香港. 我聽人講話美國食品及用品嘅價格好高. 因此, 我想帶大量以上嘅用品過境. 唔知美國有冇對於入境之食物及生活必需品有品質及數量的規限呢?
請附有關網址. thx

我去佛羅里達州嘅奧蘭多^^ 其實我想係香港帶即食麪, 即食罐頭, 日常個人護理產品(e.g. 牙刷, 牙膏, 洗頭水, 等等) 去美國. 但由於當中有d 係 made in china <-- 可能冇品質保證, 所以我驚我入境到美國時會被當地官員沒收. 我想要有關美國食品入境嘅條例(laws). 可否提供其 website??. 另外, 由於我去美國1年, 因此有好多東西耍買. 可否提供當地(Orlando) supermarket 嘅websirte ?? thx so much^^


請問係咪any food products ( included the instant noodle, can food, dry food, fresh food. ) 都are NOT ALLOW entry USA.?? 可否提供更多的資料/網址予我參考?

回答 (3)

2009-05-15 3:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
美國食品及用品嘅價格不高, 有啲重平過香港。 呢度有好多網友在美國住, 你要去邊度, 你想知道乜嘢嘅價格, 我可以去超級市場睇咗話你知。 美國不准帶任何肉類製品同新鮮植物入口。

2009-05-16 08:00:36 補充:
Orlando是個大城市, 購買日常用品不會困難。我雖然沒有在Orlando 住過, 但在南方的城市住過兩年。 你在Walmart 就可以一次過買晒一兩個星期嘅食物同用品。 Walmart超級市場嘅食物平又新鮮。
下面個網係住在 Orlando嘅台灣學生嘅 Blog,你可以看看
下面個網係 Orlando最大嘅華人超級市場東方超市嘅網址

2009-05-16 08:16:37 補充:
下面個網有Florida 嘅華人超級市場, 你可以睇到有十幾間在 Orlando
美國禁止攜帶入境嘅物品,美國海關網站: http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/travel/vacation/kbyg/prohibited_restricted.xml#Automobiles

2009-05-16 08:21:39 補充:
搭飛機手提行李不得攜帶液體及乳液, 如牙膏等
至於沒有車也不是大問題, 美國人基本上很友善, 樂於助人, 公司亦會安排同事幫你。
參考: ~在美居住20幾年
2009-05-16 4:50 am
2009-05-15 1:51 pm
you can bring all your personal use products into US even they are made in china. because you may have hard time to find where to buy it in the first couple days when you are there. ( if your company is located in the out edge of down town area. ) or you may not have transportation to shop yet.
BUT, any food products ( included the instant noodle, can food, dry food, fresh food. ) are NOT ALLOW entry USA.
supermarket and local stores are all over the city area, IF you have car, you will find it without any trouble.
most supermarket in here you can find about 70 - 80 % of chinese food products for self cooking----- old, salt, soy sauces, oyster sauces ......stuff. and there are a lots of Chinese restaurants in Orlando. the price is not so bad and most have very good food..

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