Econ Homework!!!Help

2009-05-14 9:09 pm
1) The average cost of a good equals its marginal cost when the former is at its maximum.
2) The average cost curves and marginal cost curves are inverted U-shaped.
3) the average variable cost curve is always above the average total cost curve as output expands.
3條statement.是不是正確..那條是"T",那條是"F"..(T or F)

回答 (1)

2009-05-14 11:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. The average cost curve equals the sume of average fixed cost and average variable cost. Thus, at average curve curve maximum, it will not equal to marginal cost. Indeed, average variable cost equals marginal cost at unit 1. F
2. Certainly false as they are U-shaped curves.
3.It is false, too. As average cost equals sum of average fixed cost and average variable cost. Average variable can never above average total cost. However, it will approach average cost as average fixed cost diminished as output rises.

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