Funny Integration Problem

2009-05-14 8:10 am
State , whether the following integral can be integrated .


If so , can it be found in closed form ?
If not , please explain.

回答 (4)

2009-05-19 3:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
通常 integrand undefined, 積分之後 undefined 的地方自然會 show 到出黎 (如上面的 1/x --> ln|x| )
所以大可以先當個 function 是 define in some domain, 搵到 expression, 再決定可唔可以 extend 去其他 domain.
(如 1/rt(x) ---> rt(x), 完本唔 define 的 x=0 變成 regular 了)

2009-05-17 18:30:50 補充:
將這個 function 當成是 complex function 來看會更加有趣

2009-05-17 18:34:28 補充:
還有, 假設是 complex function: 定義 x^a := e^(a (ln |x| + i Arg x)),

integrate 之後將會是一個 periodic function, 所以用 Fourier Series 可能會有幫助

2009-05-17 19:08:12 補充:
假設只 consider 最基本的 domain: 0<= x <= pi, 可以將呢條題目睇成 definite integral: F(X) = Int_0^X sinx^(cosx)dx
(用 fund thm of calculus)
但用 Mathematica 呢個(real) function 連一點都Plot 唔到... 所以...個人認為答案無望, doraemonpaul 要努力點了 ;-)

2009-05-17 19:10:38 補充:
btw 當 X-> pi 時 F(X) 會爆的:
sinx ^ cosx -~-> 1/(pi - x) ~ O(1/X)

2009-05-18 06:54:13 補充:
找到個很好的方法做. detail 就請 doraemonpaul 寫了 XD
如果只 consider 0<=x <= pi, Sinx^Cosx 是可以寫成 power series expand around pi/2

Sum Cn (x - pi/2)^n

而 C1, C2, C4, C5, C8 = 0.

這樣就可以做 integration term by term, radius of convergence = pi/2

2009-05-18 17:06:46 補充:
無無聊聊 gen 左d coefficient:
Cn * n! =
1, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 90, 63, 0, 8880, 22680, 49203, 2118600, 12383280,
60540480, 1131841623, 10857974400, 87893114400, 1246674306240,
15590737021923, 175749917616000, 2471071936993440, 35757593223327360, 502589340005210703, 7719667979121014400, 124858807502800971600

2009-05-18 17:07:36 補充:
from radius of convergence:
Cn ~ (2/pi)^n

2009-05-18 17:11:48 補充:
每逢第 4k-1 的 coefficient 都是 3 字尾 (及3的倍數), 好鬼有趣...

2009-05-18 17:17:41 補充:
寫咁多 Cn 的特性, 是因為由這裏看,
integral 是 Sum Cn/(n+1) (x-pi/2)^(n+1) +C
所以餘下的, 就是想想怎樣表達 Cn (或 Cn n!, 正整數) 了

2009-05-18 18:06:06 補充:

2009-05-18 18:08:09 補充:
Further idea:

每個 Cn 原本都是 D^(n) (Sinx^Cosx)

by induction, Cn(x) 是 combination of:
Cosx ^a Sinx^ b Log(Sinx) ^c

a>0, -n 0

所以應該可以用 induction 去找出 a(n), b(n), c(n) 的 recurrence relation, 問題就可以解決.

2009-05-18 18:08:50 補充:
-n <= b <= n-2
c >= 0

2009-05-18 18:10:53 補充:
這樣只要找出 sinx ^b 的 coefficient 就夠了, 因為 cos(pi/2) = Log(sin(pi/2)) = 0

2009-05-19 07:43:10 補充:


2009-05-19 07:50:07 補充:
From the graph, may be it is easier to show directly that f^(n)(x) >=0 for x>=pi/2
any idea?

2009-05-19 14:29:25 補充:
I rescaled the last graph. It is graph of f^(n)(x) / n!

2009-05-22 01:04:37 補充:
冇睇到 doraemonpaul 的 comment 添...
因為個integral diverge as x -> pi
(個度 order ~ 1/(x-pi) )
所以 radius of convergence 多數不是∞
2009-05-15 5:29 am

infinite series肯定走唔甩,最大的問題就是這題可否像一樣可以用radius of convergence是∞的infinite series來表示?

2009-05-21 14:23:16 補充:

2009-05-21 14:25:35 補充:
 ∫(sin x)^(cos x) dx
= ∫(0 to x) (sin x)^(cos x) dx + C
= x Σ(n = 1 to ∞)Σ(m = 1 to 2^n - 1)(- 1)^(m + 1)2^(- n)(sin 2^(- n)mx)^(cos 2^(- n)mx) + C

那麼這條infinite series的radius of convergence是否可以保證是∞?
2009-05-15 4:42 am
so , can you kindly explain what the range of the defined domain is ?
Thanks for your reminder .

2009-05-14 22:05:33 補充:

但正如藍閃蝶提到...可能有一D domain幅圖係not well-defined...

2009-05-14 22:22:56 補充:
但平時的∫(1/x)dx 咁...1/x係x=0時係undefined...又如∫(1/(1+x^3)dx...咁係x=-1係undefined

以上2個例子都作積分時都好像沒有考慮令圖像undefined的某d domain ...

2009-05-17 18:59:20 補充:

2009-05-17 19:41:31 補充:

2009-05-18 17:55:23 補充:

2009-05-18 19:04:03 補充:

2009-05-19 23:59:51 補充:


2009-05-21 23:56:39 補充:



2009-05-15 4:02 am
Note that the function is not well defined on certain domain

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