2009-05-14 8:07 am
"Highest market shares were gained --->may because<--- Speechless was the only firm to increase the features"

may + because 可唔可以一齊痴住用???

This may because 又岩唔岩呢?

回答 (4)

2009-05-16 8:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"Highest market shares were gained may because Speechless was the only firm to increase the features"

There is a little bit problem on "may because"!
May and bracuse cannot use together because they are the same kind of word so you should use in a specialway!!!
"This may because is still not correct.
You can even don't use "may" or "mabye"!!!
You can use like this:
1."Highest market shares were gained maybe it is because of Speechless was the only firm to increase the features."
2."( I'm not 100% sure about that but... ... )I think high/highest market shares were gained may because Speechless was the only firm to increase the features."
3."In my opinion , highest/high market shares were gained because Speechless was the only firm to increase the features."
4."I am not very sure about that but but highest market shares were gained may because Speechless was the only firm to increase the features."
5."Highest market shares were gained maybe because Speechless was the only firm to increase the features."
6."Highest market shares were gained because Speechless was the only firm to increase the features , I'm not very sure."
7."Highest market shares were gained because Speechless was the only firm to increase the features , however I'm not sure of this point of view!"
8."Although I think that highest market shares were gained because Speechless was the only firm to increase the features , I not very sure."
9."Speechless was the only firm to increase the features so highest market shares were gained."
10."Speechless was the only firm to increase the features.Therefore highest market shares were gained."
("However" and "but" are the same meaning)
("Therefore" and "so" are the same meaning)
I am very sorry
Hope I can help you !!!

參考: Brain
2009-05-15 6:21 am
你好,是的,对的语法不应该放 may 在 because 的前面,因为它需要跟随着动词 (verb) 的。


1) Highest market shares were gained because maybe Speechless was the only firm to increase the features.

2) Highest market shares were gained because perhaps Speechless was the only firm to increase the features.

3) Highest market shares were gained because Speechless may have been the only firm to increase the features.

4) Highest market shares were gained because Speechless might have been the only firm to increase the features.

一样的,你也不可以用 This may because 的,因为 because 是个连接词 (conjunction) 来的,而 may 是需要跟随着动词 (verb) 的,所以 This may because 是不对的。

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )
2009-05-14 8:57 pm
"May" and "because" 可以一齊用但唔可以痴住用
e.g. I may be late because I cannot leave now.

This may because 唔岩
"May" is a modal verb. Modal verbs are used to modify main verbs. There is no main verb in "This may because..."
"Because" is a conjunction. Conjunctions are used to connect two clauses. "This may" is not a clause.
2009-05-14 8:13 am
Highest market shares were gained maybe because Speechless was the only firm to increase the features

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