Whould this be a goo pokemon team?

2009-05-13 8:16 pm
Yamega @ leftovers or ?
(tank or wall)
X Scizzor
Swords Dance
Baton Pass
Protect or Substitute

Gyrados @ ?
Waterfall or ?
Ice fang or aerial ace

Sceptile @ ?
Leaf Blade
Thunder Punch or X Scizzor
Drafon Claw

Blissey @ leftovers or ?
(tank or wall)
Calm Mind
Baton Pass
Phychic or Protect

Ducknoir @ leftovers
(wall or tank)
Seismic Toss or an attack
Night Shade or " "

Raichu @ ?
Focus Bast
Thunder Bolt
Grass Knot

Good not goo... wow the spell checker sucks


I do not know for Yanmega some one had a similar move set and killed me

回答 (3)

2009-05-13 8:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yanmega-No,don't use him as a wall.Try standard-
~ Protect
~ Bug Buzz
~ Air Slash
~ Hypnosis / Hidden Power Ground / Shadow Ball / Hidden Power Ice

Gyarados is good.Change outrage for Dragon Dance.

Sceptile is good,change Thunder punch and the other move for swords dance.

Blissey is good also.Your moves are okay..but I suggest these:
Ice beam
Seismic toss
Thunder wave
You don't have to get this moveset,but I highly recommend it.It can be used for bluffs.

Dusknoir.We already talked about him haha.

Raichu-try this set with choice specs...

~ Thunderbolt
~ Hidden Power Ice
~ Grass Knot
~ Focus Blast

2009-05-14 7:21 am
That team is good but, I think you should replace moves like baton pass,substitute,and protect.
2009-05-14 4:46 am
Raichu - Volt Tackle.

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