Give me two min=)
I hope all of you have seen the historical movie Hero Qing Emperor says to Nameless that the ultimate goal of swordsmanship is “not to kill,” Nameless gets impressed with these words and gives up his sword, but still Qing Emperor executes Nameless. but why? Did the Emperor of Qin lied?
Tanna, you say that the whole movie is lie?
CensorshipYahoo So plot of movie is not exactly historical, or its a distortion of history?
Elena S You have wonderful eyes and excellent communication skill, you must have inherited them from your Mongolian ancestors.
KathyM Does that mean Mandarin words cannot be taken at face value, and they don't mean what they say?
. Lindz People's Republic or no People's Republic, China always had an Emperor+) The present Emperor->> Hu Jintao