特急!!!簡單翻譯(chinese to eng.)

2009-05-14 6:45 am

大家好!我今次演講的主題關於母親節,我要和大家分享我和媽媽平常的生活點滴!我媽媽是一位女強人,她每天放工回來後會教我功課,打點我生活的一切,就像我的左右手.平常我會當我的媽媽是一位好朋友.時常和她傾談心事, 當我們有什麼心事都會拿出來和對方分享,一起解決問題.為了感謝媽媽多年來的呵護和教育,所以我在幾天前的母親節,特意買了一個蛋糕,為她慶祝,給她帶來了驚喜.並承諾今後會努力讀書,孝順父母報答他們的養育之恩,為國家為社會作出供獻.


回答 (2)

2009-05-14 6:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning every one !I am the subject of this speech on Mother's Day, I will share my mother's normal daily life! My mother was a strong woman, she will be a day off work to come back taught me homework a little of my life all, as my right-hand man. usually I will when my mother was a good friend. often talked with her mind, when we have nothing to worry and the other side will come up with to share with to solve the problem. In order to thank her mother for many years of care and education, so I Mother's Day a few days ago, specifically to buy a cake to celebrate for her, brought her a surprise. and promised future efforts to study, filial piety to their parents return of ex-rearing to the state for social made for the offer

2009-05-14 7:59 am
Hello everybody, my main topic today is about Mother’s Day. I would like to share the daily life with my Mom. My Mom is a career woman, she will teach me homework after getting off from work everyday. She also takes care of every little things, just like my left hand. I consider my Mom as a good friend who can share inner feelings with her.

Whenever I have a problem, I will definitely share with her and we will solve it together. In order to thank you for my Mom’s bringing me up, I bought a cake for her on Mother’s Day. It really surprised her. I promise her that I will do my best in school to reward for her taking good care of me. I will also contribute to the society at the best I can.

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