英文問題(fine with)

2009-05-13 12:27 pm
And while the Cavs got a little too LeBron-heavy at times in the Atlanta series, they've done just fine with their star on the bench.

fine with點解

回答 (1)

2009-05-13 1:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
[fine with] 解作 [agreeable by 同意, or no problem with 冇問題)。
e.g. The new rules are fine with me. 我對新絛例冇唔滿意。

不過,响呢個句子,[fine with] 唔係上便咁解,因為呢個 [fine with] 唔係一齊用嘅。
[fine] 係屬於 [done just fine] 個短句。
[with] 係屬於 [with their star on the bench] 個短句。

[done just fine] 己經表現得好好。

[with their star on the bench] 最勁嘅隊員都未派出場。

2009-05-14 11:53:25 補充:
their star = 佢地嘅明星 = 佢地最勁嘅隊員
on the bench = 坐响長凳上 = 冇派出場
參考: self

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