
2009-05-13 12:13 pm
事情是這樣的, 我applied了大學as a transfer student, 當我收到大學的letter說我被取碌了的時候, 我看一看我選的major和school, 我發現我選錯了school,我的major是economics, 但我選了econ under school of education, 原本我是打算選economics under school of letters and science, 現在當大學說我被取碌了我才發現我選錯了school, 我真的不想讀education當教師. 我以經send了email去admission說可不可以change我既school, 以家還等回信, 各位覺得可不可以呀??

回答 (2)

2009-05-13 7:03 pm
E-mail to both departments and ask for department's idea, rather they can tranfer your major or not... and finally E-mail to the admission. (You may call them but... you'll not sure who are you really need to talking with.)
2009-05-13 5:20 pm

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